Welcome joetrike13 to FCBO!


New Member
Feb 1, 2018
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Benton Ks
i am a technical trainer for a AG Company. I was a mechanic in the Air Force for 10 years. I've built plenty of old VWs and other cars but this is my first Plymouth. i bought it for my Girl Friend to drive with the kids in it since my Bug isn't quite big enough.

Location: Benton Ks
here is the 66 Fury I that we got. I need to find seat covers and a carpet kit and a driver side window channel felt so the window stops rattling. it needs little things. it' a 318 auto.

thanks everyone. finally got it to actually run. I put a new alternator on it and it's charging at 17volts coming out of the alternator. but when I check voltage at the battery when it' running it' 14.6. does this sound normal to everyone? I'm not used to this style of alternator. I used to internally regulated alternators on my vws. thanks again
thanks at the battery? can anyone tell me if it's internally regulated or does it have a separate regulator?
thanks at the battery? can anyone tell me if it's internally regulated or does it have a separate regulator?
Separate, it looks like this;


Cheap and easy to replace, it's on the firewall, passenger side of the wiper motor.
Welcome to the site from the Motor City!