Well crap, that sucked, the keg just cashed


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Punta Gorda FL
Here I sit after a weekend of work that started Saturday 1:30am and didn't end til 9pm Sunday, calculate those hours, and really haven't had much time away from work 'til today. Life sucks when your billing for ACA exchange subscribers crashes. What happens when I go to draw a beer? The keg goes dry. Nothing in the pipeline. So it looks like I get to brew this weekend and drink store bought beer.


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Yes I know.... I was able to get to sleep last night and the night before. Point as there was no sleep one the weekend. Near 44 hours straight no sleep no off time. I was a little drained Monday and Tuesday. I decided I had enough work for the week and just wanted a beer. Oh well.
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Well, I just finished up my Happy Hour with two Steel Reserves. Had an extra tonight because putting the heads back on my NYB today kicked the crap out of me. I'm one hurtin SOB right now.
Well, I just finished up my Happy Hour with two Steel Reserves. Had an extra tonight because putting the heads back on my NYB today kicked the crap out of me. I'm one hurtin SOB right now.

So is it gonna be finished when I show up next Tuesday??
No beer in my pipeline either but I have gotten lazy with all great beer out there for purchase, haven't homebrewed for some time now. I blame my c-body, she has taken a lot of free time lately.
Well, I just finished up my Happy Hour with two Steel Reserves. Had an extra tonight because putting the heads back on my NYB today kicked the crap out of me. I'm one hurtin SOB right now.

So is it gonna be finished when I show up next Tuesday??
WELL! That was short notice!!! lol
I'll guess I'll have put in some overtime then..

Posted via Topify on Android
This might help......

MMMMM no. Cream should not go with beer, I don't care what anyone, or the BJCP, says.

But I did, after changing the water pump on the Ram during lunch, (easiest water pump ever), treat myself to a nice bottle of 102 IBU (International Bitterness Units) Hop Stoopid. Made my day. Well after the outstanding yearly review I had with my boss anyway. Sipping it now following up on work emails that came in while I was out. Well, and posting this..

Ordering up ingredients to make a clone of Sam Adams Winter lager. Though I'm going to do it as an ale, lagering sucks, and I think the ale yeast will add something I think is lacking in the originals character. It's winter for gods sake, the beer should be hearty not a wimpy lager. Some mouth feel, bready something.

Yes I'm anal about beer like Stan is anal about Formals. I even capitalized it for reverence.
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Got some friends coming over tonight so I bought some of this.
I'll give you a review of it tomorrow.
