What do these sail panels fit?

Oct 25, 2011
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I have had them for over 25 years in the garage. I was given them with a bunch of C body parts but forget what they fit. Thanks,
Tod Sail panel.JPG

Sail panel.JPG
They look a lot like what my Dad's '69 Imperial had. I remember the C-pillar cushions, but I don't remember the exact shape of them. Yours appear very close, though.
You could put your head through the pull strap to keep it in place up on the pillow. ;)
Can't imagine this to be relaxing at all.
That's a beautiful interior!
That white pillow will soon be dirty with all that make-up and hairdo on. Good thing yours is black. ;)
That's them. Thanks for the help. I don't need them. If any of you need them make me an offer on them so they can get back on a car.