Who the hell is buying this?????


Old Man with a Hat
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
South Jersey (USA)
I'm no gun expert, but is he even poised correctly?? Jeez, the length these people will go to lie.


Yes sir. Probably never picked up a gun before this pic was taken. In fact I recall him dissing some folks in rural areas about clinging to their GUNS......god, and the bible when things get tough.

NOW all of the sudden he shoots? I'm not buying it. It's staged.
I went to Walmart a couple of days ago to get a couple cans of paint........not a single box of 9mm, 30.06, .223, .45, or any ammo that I or anybody wants. No weapons worth buying in stock either.
I went to Walmart a couple of days ago to get a couple cans of paint........not a single box of 9mm, 30.06, .223, .45, or any ammo that I or anybody wants. No weapons worth buying in stock either.
I just bought 9mm at Gander Mountain. 15 bucks a box, up from 11. They had plenty of it though.

Also bought a brand new Desert Eagle (baby) at a gun show in December. Great price & no paperwork. Just the way it's supposed to be.
There's a Bass Pro about 40 miles from me. I should finish my shopping list before the future restrictions are in place. I never ever thought this would be happening in the USA.
Where do you use up all that ammo, I'd just keep a loaded gun for the case, never had anything to do with weapons and in my area pretty unnecessary.
I depise politicians that USE the military for photo ops for political gain..........especially when they loathe the troops!!!!


Where do you use up all that ammo, I'd just keep a loaded gun for the case, never had anything to do with weapons and in my area pretty unnecessary.
We have a shooting range set up on my buddy's farm. We set up 10 targets or so & then play HORSE, just like basketball horse but with guns. Lots of fun but getting pretty expensive.
Got a Ruger recently. Bad choice. My left hand has deteriorated so badly from old injuries, I can't pull the slide back... Grrrrrrrrr. Gotta do it girly style. My assailant will die from laughing first.
I hear ya, Stan. I have a real bad injury to my left elbow & it's amazing how much strength I've lost in the last 12 months. Thank god I'm right handed.

My assailant will die from a shotgun blast to the face. Handguns aren't great for home protection.
I'm left handed and my left shoulder is tore up among other things from the job. Glad I'm good shot...............12 gauge blast to the head of any intruder(s)......game over.