windshield washer pump

Droptop 500

Mar 11, 2018
Reaction score
Well I bought a new washer reservoir and guess what ? yep the pump don't work so I ordered a new one. So my question is why does the wire only have one plug but the pump has two connector tabs am I going senile in my old age ? would appreciate any input on this.
As an educated guess without any details.

The wires are for power from the switch and ground. Your question implies you had the original pump, where did the wires hook up on it?
68 Polara 500 and the single wire came out from the front grille area to the bottom of the pump but only 1 plug was there will try and put up a pic this week thanks
Some of the early pump motors used a ground strap incorporated into the motor/mounting stud, if the motor is a later model it will have a two prong plug that requires a ground to the other lead...........
68? No problem...
Make a ground wire that goes to mounting screw of the jug.Run it to the pump.
Not sure which plug?

Simple..if wired wrong it will suck air into jug. reverse plugs and should squirt on windscreen.
Thanks, now that was said I think I remember a separate wire from the pump to the mounting screw where it attaches to the inner fender
got the pump working and now waiting for my new tubing/hose to arrive thanx again for everyone's help