Cop car wagon
After spending time with all of you on B bodies, I thought it was time to join C bodies. Lots of same people on here.
C body- The comfortable car that gets overlooked by the brightly colored tarts.
I've had C bodies as long as I've had mopars. Its the car that you can drive for hours, and get out of like you were just on the couch.
I had one when I had to commute to a job 850 miles away. One year committment, drove home often on a weekend. 10 hrs best time.
I'm here as its time to get back on my 71 Polara. I don't know what to do, as I need a windsheild. So the car is parked inside and stalled.
Time to join the windsheild rant threads, and gear up for the group buy from the netherlands. Or unless AMD finally makes some. (Wishfull thinking)
C body- The comfortable car that gets overlooked by the brightly colored tarts.
I've had C bodies as long as I've had mopars. Its the car that you can drive for hours, and get out of like you were just on the couch.
I had one when I had to commute to a job 850 miles away. One year committment, drove home often on a weekend. 10 hrs best time.
I'm here as its time to get back on my 71 Polara. I don't know what to do, as I need a windsheild. So the car is parked inside and stalled.
Time to join the windsheild rant threads, and gear up for the group buy from the netherlands. Or unless AMD finally makes some. (Wishfull thinking)