You're ship is sinking


Old Man with a Hat
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Pleasant Hill, CA
Cameras give you an idea of what it is like to be aboard a sinking ship. Water moves pretty fast. Of course, this is not a battleship as the US Navy would describe one.
Mexico has a Navy ?
I would of rather seen a U.S. Battleship (come out of retirement briefly) and sink this Mexican ship with a full broadside volley of all 9 of her 16" guns.
Battleship? "THAT AINT NO BATTLESHIP!" Interesting side note though, it will only be a couple of weeks before schools of fish will make it home.
And the point of this exercise?

With the world wide destruction of coral reefs, which supply habitat for marine life like jungles do for land animals, these sinkings create artificial reefs. You could call them fish condos when sunk in shallow waters like 100 feet or less.

Back in 1992 I dove off the coast of Mindoro and the dynamite destruction of the coral reefs was distressing. The sea floor was nothing but rubble as Filipino fisherman threw dynamite into the water to stun fish. A few years later the locals set up patrols to stop this as it turned out that divers pumped more money into the local economy. In the meantime some wooden junks where sunk. The marine life around those junks at night was unbelievable. I could sit and watch for the entire 45 minute dive. On my last time over there, in 2008, I did notice that the coral reefs were coming back now after 10-12 years of no dynamite.

Ah, the Big O. Was on her back in 1999-2000 when some of the Hornet volunteers went aboard to strip out parts from her hanger deck to flight deck escalator. Those parts were put into the Hornet's escalator making our 1954 Westinghouse escalator probably the only working version left in the world.
I would of rather seen a U.S. Battleship (come out of retirement briefly) and sink this Mexican ship with a full broadside volley of all 9 of her 16" guns.

That just sounds like a good time !
Battleship? "THAT AINT NO BATTLESHIP!" Interesting side note though, it will only be a couple of weeks before schools of fish will make it home.

That is a MEXICAN battleship. LOL!
Unfortunately.....we will never see a U.S. Battleship fire another round in our lifetimes.

Since the Washington Naval Yard has recently disposed of the replacement rifles for the 16" guns then that would be true. However, the museums and the Iowa I know for sure, have to maintain the ship should the ship be recalled. I know, from last night, that the Chief Engineer is a little upset with the Washington Naval Yard as they have one of the Iowa's fire control computers. Iowas had a pair, one forward and one aft. He wants it back in order to fulfill the Navy requirement of having the ship ready for recall. He wants it back and I gather they are stalling. At least the Iowa is in good hands as he was project manager for the ships modernization when they were brought back into service in the 80's.
The Wisconsin is suppose to be in good shape at Norfolk as far as I know.