Does Anyone Have an NOS or Really Good Backup Light Assembly for a 1972-3 Imperial


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I have lined up a reproduction guy to reproduce the back up lights for the 1972-3 Imperials. He is the best I have ever seen in terms of being able to reproduce lenses and other such parts for our cars, including emblems too. His parts are way better than new.

What he reproduces is like jewelery when he is done and I am not exaggerating.

But I do not have a really good example of this impossible to find part that is good enough to do a reproduction that meets his standards. Is it possible that anyone has one or even an nos one?

The part number is 3620757

It is probably the worst part Chrysler ever made since they were junk within two years of the cars being sold new even if the car was just kept in a garage and was never driven!!!

It is shown at about 40 seconds into this video right above the license plate:

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I actually had an NOS one some years ago. Whatever plastic they used for the lens was junk. It was yellowing just sitting on a shelf, not exposed to the elements at all.

I may have sold it to your friend with the tan four door. His name is escaping me right now. I know that I sold him some parts, but don't recall exactly which ones. It was probably over 10 years ago.

Is this the same guy in Australia or another guy? I do have an NOS rear lens - but it is really warped too - I can send you a photo of what I have to see if you'd like to use it Steve to your email is you'd like.......... Later, Mark
Is this the same guy in Australia or another guy? I do have an NOS rear lens - but it is really warped too - I can send you a photo of what I have to see if you'd like to use it Steve to your email is you'd like.......... Later, Mark

Same guy Mark and he was just wondering whether an nos one would be less warped than what we sent him. I told him that it was unlikely and that he would just have to do the best he could with what we furnished him. After some back and forth, he and I talked our way through the best solution that we could come up with to make the back up light. I believe he will be doing a much better job than we are expecting knowing his level of detail and insistence on perfection.

The good news is that he has delivered the parts he owed me for my 1960 Imperial (they were much better than new even - amazing!!!) and will shortly ship me the parts he owes me for my 1961 New Yorker coupe. He is currently working on the back up light and I am certain it will be much better than new and go the distance, unlike the factory junk.

I helped him out with getting a title for a formal wagon he was storing at my place so it could ship to Australia and it was a big problem because he had no paperwork at all with the car - but I took care of it to his delight and gratitude when he couldn't find anyone else in California that would get a title for him or even knew how. After his stroke he seems to now be able to drive again and he really is delivering to me now.

So I feel pretty certain we will get something relatively soon.

If anyone else needs one of these for their 72 or 73 Imperial, then let me know by PM as now is the time to place the order.
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Awesome on all counts!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I did purchase an NOS 72 - 73 license plate/reverse lens but couldn't inspect it until I purchased it and had it sent to me -- I wasn't very happy when I received it as it was pretty warped -- but it was new in the original box but it really didn't matter as it was way worse than the one that I sent you before. Sorry I could not help out more with this lens at all. If George would be willing to do 10 of these for me I'd gladly pay him for this quantity..........just keep me in the loop. Every Imperial I have is warped and messed up -- and I'd like to have five nice cars with spares if that's possible?

Good news for the formal and getting the title to ship it..........I bet that was a total hassle. I did purchase a car without title before and went through a service that got the car registered in Vermont, once I had that registration I could get a title in Wisconsin so it did work very slick, just costs money to do this stuff like everything else.........

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always glad to help with our joint projects.

He was asking me yesterday how many of these he should plan to make and thought there would be scant requests but I told him I would expect a fair number in the end. So I will let him know of your 10, I have another order from another member here as well as my 5. Between the various lenses we sent him a few years ago now, it seems he will be able to get us a very good reproduction. His standards are the best of anyone out there, so his worst will still likely surprise me. All the parts I received for my 1960 Imperial were just incredible.

Yes, getting a title here in CA was no fun but I had been down this path before and had figured out what I have to do to make it happen. I used all internal state allowances and little known routes.

And I appreciate the way out of the ordinary help you have given me in the past when I didn't know who else I could come to!
I don't believe that the NOS one that I had was warped at all. It looked perfectly fine other than the lens had yellowed some and it had a ding in one of the chrome strips. It was made out of the type of plastic that gives off an unpleasant odor as it ages.

I was able to find a few photos from when I put it up for sale.




I just received an update from the person in Australia that is tackling this project for us that he is making good progress on this reproduction and should have them ready in the near future. I am confident from everything else he reproduces that it will be far better than original. He mentioned that after getting into this much further, he couldn't believe Chrysler would make such a miserably cheap part. So there is reason to be encouraged for all the 1972-3 Imperial owners!
When it is ready and shipping to Europe can be arranged, I would like to get one as well. Keep us updated - we need more good news like that. :)
The "guy in Australia" is George Laurie ? I bought from him some lenses for my Imperial.
I just received an update from the person in Australia that is tackling this project for us that he is making good progress on this reproduction and should have them ready in the near future. I am confident from everything else he reproduces that it will be far better than original. He mentioned that after getting into this much further, he couldn't believe Chrysler would make such a miserably cheap part. So there is reason to be encouraged for all the 1972-3 Imperial owners!
Can you pass on their details when ready to market this part?, need one for the '73. Thanks.
Can you pass on their details when ready to market this part?, need one for the '73. Thanks.

Yes, I will certainly pass on the details on this site when they are ready as I too have a 1973 Imperial 2 door that also needs one as well as a 1972 4 door model. This person making them provides better quality reproductions of many Chrysler product parts that are better than the factory originals, so I am looking forward to seeing the first batch myself.

The gentleman had a vehicle he bought, a formal wagon, that he needed some help with getting some parts for it and also I provided him a place to store it before it shipped to Australia. To his surprise, when the wagon got to my place I looked for the title that should have been in the car according to the seller, but there was none in the car. So I agreed to get one for him that took some effort to achieve given the circumstances of that vehicle and knowing how to deal with this issue with the State of California. I was successful and I also helped him get some nos parts for the two wagons he ultimately had sent over there.

So in return, I asked him to do this project for us and he agreed. Both myself and another site member from Black River Falls, WI provided him with several of the best backup lights we had (none were that good) and some cash to get him going on the project. He has provided me with many parts in the past for my Forward Look Vehicles including 1960 Imperials and some Chrysler 300 Letter cars, and the parts he supplied were just beautiful.
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Yes, I will certainly pass on the details on this site when they are ready as I too have a 1973 Imperial 2 door that also needs one as well as a 1972 4 door model. This person making them provides better quality reproductions of many Chrysler product parts that are better than the factory originals, so I am looking forward to seeing the first batch myself.

The gentleman had a vehicle he bought, a formal wagon, that he needed some help with getting some parts for it and also I provided him a place to store it before it shipped to Australia. To his surprise, when the wagon got to my place I looked for the title that should have been in the car according to the seller, but there was none in the car. So I agreed to get one for him that took some effort to achieve given the circumstances of that vehicle and knowing how to deal with this issue with the State of California. I was successful and I also helped him get some nos parts for the two wagons he ultimately had sent over there.

So in return, I asked him to do this project for us and he agreed. Both myself and another site member from Black River Falls, WI provided him with several of the best backup lights we had (none were that good) and some cash to get him going on the project. He has provided me with many parts in the past for my Forward Look Vehicles including 1960 Imperials and some Chrysler 300 Letter cars, and the parts he supplied were just beautiful.
Good turn of events.
Yes, I will certainly pass on the details on this site when they are ready as I too have a 1973 Imperial 2 door that also needs one as well as a 1972 4 door model. This person making them provides better quality reproductions of many Chrysler product parts that are better than the factory originals, so I am looking forward to seeing the first batch myself.

The gentleman had a vehicle he bought, a formal wagon, that he needed some help with getting some parts for it and also I provided him a place to store it before it shipped to Australia. To his surprise, when the wagon got to my place I looked for the title that should have been in the car according to the seller, but there was none in the car. So I agreed to get one for him that took some effort to achieve given the circumstances of that vehicle and knowing how to deal with this issue with the State of California. I was successful and I also helped him get some nos parts for the two wagons he ultimately had sent over there.

So in return, I asked him to do this project for us and he agreed. Both myself and another site member from Black River Falls, WI provided him with several of the best backup lights we had (none were that good) and some cash to get him going on the project. He has provided me with many parts in the past for my Forward Look Vehicles including 1960 Imperials and some Chrysler 300 Letter cars, and the parts he supplied were just beautiful.
This is great news. Goat a couple of 72's that need these.