1973 Monaco, remove aftermarket tint glue


Old Man with a Hat
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
If you look at the 1st 2 pictures you can see that the previous owner of my car put aftermarket tint on the side and rear glass. There are 2 problems with this tint.
  • The 1st is that it was so dark that I couldn’t see out the rear window at night, using the rear view mirror.
  • The 2nd is aesthetically I just hate it. Classic cars should look like classic cars. I love the look of the green window tint in the air conditioned Chrysler fuselage cars.


Yesterday, I removed the tint with a razor blade paint scraper, peeling sections of it out by hand until it was all gone.

My problem is that the tint left some very strong glue on the inside of the windows. The glue is so strong in fact that it catches on the rubber channel weatherstripping in the door so that the electric windows have trouble going up and down and make a lot of noise doing it. I spent over an hour today trying different chemicals to get this glue off. I ended up using Bleach White Tire Cleaner on a rag to soften it and then a razor blade paint scraper and a rag to slowly remove it. It took me over an hour to do the drivers side door. I can only imagine how long it would take to do the rear window, which is much more awkward to reach. You can see the glue in the passenger side door photo if you look closely right beside the reflection of the fluorescent ceiling light.
Driver side: clean

Passenger side

My question: is there a heavy duty substance that you have used to remove glue from aftermarket tint? If so, please post product info sales link. Thanks, Ben
Regular old rubbing alcohol, it is cheap and effective. Do not know why people put that crappy tint laminate on anything. Makes a C-Body look like a pimp mobile.

You can also get this stuff called La's Totally awesome at Dollar Tree? works pretty great..
The screenshot is of the refill bottle but you should be able to find one with a spray head...
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Might check with a local tint shop. When window tint was pooular, there were brands of tint (and the related adhesive on the tint) which did not hold up well, producing little bubbles in the tint as time progressed. Which resulted in the tint shops (usually a different one) replacing the tint (with 3M or similar). As I recall, there was usually a strong rotten egg smell to that failed adhesive, from what our tint shop installer mentioned. Not pleasant at all! ALL of that had to be removed in order to replace the old tint with new.

One benefit of the window tinit is that it probably saved the rear seat upholstery from faster deterioration. As it also decreased the heat load on the factory a/c. By observation, ALL window tint is not "Limo Black", fwiw. In TX and probably other states, there was a limit of how dark the tint could be and still be legal here. A different time, back then!

I concur that the car looks better without it, although a more gray tint might be better than just a normal tinted glass, IF desired.

Isn't that stuff bad for "skin contact" or breathing?
GooGone works well for any glue residue. Late now, though I've never tried, use a hair dryer or heat gut to warm the window, the tint and glue come off easily and in one piece.
On my '78 New Yorker St Regis Coupe it is triple red. Red fades to orange on the carpet and lightens the velour color. So I purchased a thick window removable window tint and applied it to the outside of the large rear window. I have driven up to 80 mph and been in the car for 6 years. I can still remove it easily without chemicals or tools.
A hand held steamer will work. The steamer works very well to remove the tint-the glue stays on the tint film. A couple years ago, my wife got a different car, a 2014 Dodge Avenger-it had very dark tint all the way around. She is not that great of a driver, so I knew it would be a matter of time before she backed into or hit someone. I knew I had to get the tint off somehow. I Googled it, and the steamer came up. I took the car over to my friends garage, I fired the steamer up-it only took me about 2 hours to get all of the tint off. Any remaining glue was scraped off with a plastic razor blade. Most of the glue stayed on the tint film. I never told my wife that I removed the dark tint-the car has a nice factory tint. She's commented a few times how she likes her dark tint. My secret!
3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner #08984, the best but use it with good ventilation and gloves.
A hand held steamer will work. The steamer works very well to remove the tint-the glue stays on the tint film. A couple years ago, my wife got a different car, a 2014 Dodge Avenger-it had very dark tint all the way around. She is not that great of a driver, so I knew it would be a matter of time before she backed into or hit someone. I knew I had to get the tint off somehow. I Googled it, and the steamer came up. I took the car over to my friends garage, I fired the steamer up-it only took me about 2 hours to get all of the tint off. Any remaining glue was scraped off with a plastic razor blade. Most of the glue stayed on the tint film. I never told my wife that I removed the dark tint-the car has a nice factory tint. She's commented a few times how she likes her dark tint. My secret!
Thanks, I need a friend with a steamer.
BTW, your secret is safe with me.
Thanks. I tried Goo Gone. It could not budge this glue.
Yea, not perfect. It works best when it can soak, hard to do on vertical surface. I've put some on a rag and held it there a couple minutes to let soak. Still had to rub a bit but it all came off eventually.
Any solvent based chemical will generally work although some are more powerful than others. I'd call a tint shop to see what they use as it may save you some time and effort.
Yea, not perfect. It works best when it can soak, hard to do on vertical surface. I've put some on a rag and held it there a couple minutes to let soak. Still had to rub a bit but it all came off eventually.
We've used Goo Gone many times over the years. I suspect that this tint was done by a professional shop. I could not find an air bubble in it. I think the glue is high quality grade.

My pickup sprung antifreeze leak at the timing chain over where is mounts against the front of the 360 block. Glue removal is on the back burner for now.
I needed to remove the tint on my 2012 300s and after watching YouTube videos I tried the dish soap and water in a spray bottle technique. Just spray the glass, wait a few seconds and use a new razor blade to scrape the glue off. I was shocked how easy it came off.