Finally, Driving It Again!


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Aug 18, 2015
Reaction score
Fresno, California
I've had a fun 15 months of chasing electrical gremlins and power steering leaks. Last Tuesday, I drove my Newport out of town for the first time since October, 2019. Last Saturday I drove to the bank and then to Big Al's Happy Burger to get Frances and I lunch.

While there I received a number of compliments, but the best was from a little boy about 4 years old. I kept hearing, "Nice car, nice car." When I turned to look he was there with his father with a big smile on his face!!! Loved it! His Dad agreed with him! Ha!

Old does not mean dead
New does not mean best
~~ Slipknot - All out life

And it´s true, a nicely preserved classic car puts a smile on most people face even if they don´t consider themselves as
car guys.. Great you got it fixed up and enjoy it again!
I'm only a couple hundred from you yet it's too cold here to drive topless. You sir, suck......;-)
What, no hats and gloves where you live?:poke:

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I'll never forget the first time I had Mrs. Big John out in the 'vert in the early evening and it was starting to get a little chilly... Before that she had only been out in the daytime when it was hot. Just turned the heat on and then as we got a little closer to home, and the sun was going down, the windows came up. She really liked that...

But, I won't being doing that today... Screen capture from my driveway cam a minute ago... It really doesn't show how hard the white stuff is falling right now. Gonna have to get the snowblower out (had to buy a new one a couple weeks ago) and clean it out once it stops.

Snow 2-20-21.jpg
I've had a fun 15 months of chasing electrical gremlins and power steering leaks. Last Tuesday, I drove my Newport out of town for the first time since October, 2019. Last Saturday I drove to the bank and then to Big Al's Happy Burger to get Frances and I lunch.

While there I received a number of compliments, but the best was from a little boy about 4 years old. I kept hearing, "Nice car, nice car." When I turned to look he was there with his father with a big smile on his face!!! Loved it! His Dad agreed with him! Ha!

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Glad to see it out... Nothing like a convertible.
My Daughter, Son-in-law and Grandson came for an unplanned visit this weekend. Among other things I did a brake job on her 200. Had a good visit.

This morning, after we took the 200 to get some tires on it, we all went to breakfast in my Newport. My grandson enjoyed the open air ride! (We were worried he might not like the sound of the exhaust as he doesn't like loud sounds. He cranked the volume on my stereo on Sunday; whoa! He did NOT like that!) We had a great breakfast together, but as we came out of the restaurant I noticed that my front license plate was gone; again!! I read in the News that local Chico State College jerks like to take personal plates off of cars and hang them in their dorm rooms. Happened to me three years ago as well. That's another ten bucks I don't want to spend!

On a lighter side, before we all went to get Ice Cream on Saturday night, Vince was putting Preston's car seat in my Durango. Preston was "helping." He climbed in, shut the door, and hit the locks! He then proceeded to hit every button he could find! My wife's memory setting on the seat is gone! He even changed the radio stations to Serious 302! Well, even at 2.5 years old he does like Rock! Even though the Christian Rock he cranked on Sunday was not to his liking!

I've had a fun 15 months of chasing electrical gremlins and power steering leaks. Last Tuesday, I drove my Newport out of town for the first time since October, 2019. Last Saturday I drove to the bank and then to Big Al's Happy Burger to get Frances and I lunch.

While there I received a number of compliments, but the best was from a little boy about 4 years old. I kept hearing, "Nice car, nice car." When I turned to look he was there with his father with a big smile on his face!!! Loved it! His Dad agreed with him! Ha!

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Did you ask thed little guy if he wanted to sit in it?
Did you ask thed little guy if he wanted to sit in it?
You know, I REALLY thought about it. But the "Chester the Molester Fear" you inherit as a teacher or Substitute scared me off.

On the other hand, my Grandson sat in my Newport while I was doing the brake job. When I was finished and was putting the Gremlin back into the garage I noticed my front side marker light was on. Getting out of the Grem I saw the headlights were on. Preston found the buttons in it too! I started it up, not knowing how long the lights had been on; my wipers started working! The kid loves buttons!!!