for Canadians Bill M -103

When I first heard a news report on the Somali Pirates I misheard them as saying "Smelly Pirates" throughout most of the story.

On the smelly pirate topic....

I have a salesperson working for me who was one of the first naturalized Somalis in Canada. He is 68 years old started selling cars for a local Chrysler dealer in 1978. Became one of the top 5 in the country won many awards for sales achievements. Started his own Chrysler franchise in 1989 and ran it for 25 years. He sold the store two years ago and came to work for me to keep busy. He speaks 5 languages but English isn't his best. He looks at the quality of his country men coming here legally and illegally and says they are worse than parasites. He refuses to deal with them when they come in the store. He worked his *** off and made something of his life here by becoming Canadian and integrated into "our" society. These thugs and asshats that are arriving now have none of his ambition or values. He has said many times the only good Somali's are in Africa the ones here.....not so much.
And thats the difference. I am sure back then the citizenship requirements were much different. They are letting people in wholesale in droves, and its wrecking western countries.

You dont see this **** in russia or china. They make examples of them. Or in japan for that matter they dont let em in, and their small populations of muslims in japan the govt there keeps a down thumb on em.

Our own governments along with uneducated people , and liberals are sowing the seeds for our demise.

Interestingly though the border patrol is saying illegal crossings from mehico are down 40% in january partly because of Trumps tough stance on illegals. Border security interestingly does work, as long as you have a president that actually has a pair of balls, and isnt a one worlder socialist govt plant.
Now we have to work on the source of the radical islam. The mosques where it comes from. The saudis are the biggest exporters of wahabbist islam. If you concentrate only on the radical jihadis without shutting down the sources where its coming from its like playing a never ending game of whack a mole.
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With that comment, our proposed new law would put you in serious jeopardy.
so l can expect you to show at next protest...this gos for you to Graham and Terry as well...democracy isn't a spectator sport fellas:poke:
Ive been saying that for years. Everybody goes, Yah, wow, that was interesting. And then they go back on in FaceBook and SnapChat...

and it begins...
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were in it now lm afraid..turkeys PM eradosan called Netherlands mp a Nazi...given the Dutchs history during WW2 this will be taken as a major insult by the country as a whole giveing Gerrt Wilder the push he needs to win the Dutch election wends...if he wins he wants to ban koran ect ect...were riots tonight when a Turkish mp was turned back at the border...she was going to the Netherlands to get the pro Islamic all worked up for dutch election and Turkish election comeing up...they turned her back because dutch considered her speech would encite the Turkish population in the Netherlands before the election...if Gerrt and Le Pen win its on boys...riots and pro Islamic protests in Italy today....fill yer boots boys theres gona be riots in the streets ...
Turkey-Dutch relations shatter after Turkish officials barred
Turkish PM vows retaliation 'in the harshest ways' - World | The Star Online