Where was this Mopar Brochure/Ad Photo shot?

#497. Two reported solvers: @ayilar, @MrMoparCHP.

1. New York, NY, USA
2. The United Nations Secretariat Building, the "tall box" (39 stories).
3. This car was posed on the UN complex on the west side.

The car is an "Ambassador", the ad text talks about "diplomacy", buncha country flags (if the big, rectangular building itself wasn't enough), international attire of the guys behind the car, etc.

The various mapping tools can't go where the car is posed,

@ayilar submitted this iconic pic right below from 1st Avenue @44th street, and approximates where the car would have been THO in the illustration it was closer to the flag poles (other side of the "hedges", on Keegan Rd which is not open to the public now)

complex site aerial, the blue lines (in Google) show where you can put "PegMan" down. I put a red circle approxiately where the Ambassador was posed - obviously no blue lines there,

Though one may be able to "fly" in there, "snip" a pic, then enlarge it (one can do that with steady hands and Google Earth).

common views (from west and east) of one of the most photgraphed set of buildings in the world. It kinda like the Statue of Liberty, or the Eiffel Tower, in that regard: you know it on sight and you know exactly were it is ... with no words needed.:)

West Side looking east

East River Side looking west.
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Thx! Looking forward to the next one!
More likely at the stairs at the north end of Keegan Rd and up on the sidewalk. From there you can see the front of curved building with a gap in the flags (vehicle gate).


But up on the sidewalk (just showing spot with the stairs).

Same spot.

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Where is the Challenger parked?


1. City and State?
2. Exactly where is Challenger parked?
3. Map tool "duplicate" pic from that exact spot?

This is an ez game -- but there are a couple wrinkles that don't quite make it a "walk in the park".

Look closely before one assumes location. And, if one's map navigation/triangulation skills, patience, time to spend "flyin' around, etc., are not pretty good, questions 2 and 3 will be challenging.

Answer Thursday 4/4. Good Luck.

Ok, I'll consider this solved and put another one up after work today EDT..

Is that the Exact spot? Or, close to it? in other words, "where" in the parking lot (alignment of buildings, palm trees, and the car (pavement crack alignment, then that's just showin' off :poke:?

What do you y'all think?
I first had in in the street but the railing has been there a while.
View attachment 653445


Well its definitely from Tropicana side of street somewhere.

but without statue of Liberty (been there since late 1990's) in it, without Big Apple roller coaster (also there since late 90's), and with a slight obstruction of the Chrysler building replica, left side buildings NOT at NY/NY, three palm cluster on right side (on Troicana Ave), -- with a car that's a 2020's something?

I used the church cross as my primary sightline and kept moving back till I got other features
One of the fence post can be seen off to the left and does not appear to had the wall to the right.


The problem I'm having is the curb behind the car. With the right alignment it doesn't work. Get the curb right I loose the other alignments.


We'll end #506.

I gotta get @Boydsdodge a "dude" as I think he's a first-time winner.

I too was further away than to get proper angles/sight lines.

I guessed inside THIS lot, but a tad to the right and closer to the (Tropicana Ave.) street, but largely aligned with view you show. I did NOT get everthing to lineup just right.

I imagined TWO vectors, one from face of Empire state replica, and one for Chrysler building replica. They "crossed" in this "open" lot. To me, that helps explain why picture of NY/NY is blurry.


The cross of church, the curb behind car, etc, --- too much fine detail for my old eyes. Hell, brother .. you counted rocks on Treasure Island to solve one of these games last year. :poke:

Also. I am too LAZY, as well as OLD. Need reading glasses too .. but I do have my vanity.:rolleyes:

Plus, Tropicana is being razed .. New A's ballpark (view toward airport and where Challenge was and away from NY/NY). No telling what's happening out there that changes daily I would guess.

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New game.

Where's the Chevy van? (member suggestion, he solved it before I got it and solved it too).


1. Upper midwest US City and State? (we have been here several times)
2. Approximately where IN the City? (building location name and/or streets of general area?)
3. Can you get this exact pic today?

If you solve it, consider shooting me a PM and will let you know?

Answer Thursday 4/4.
:stop: Say it ain't so? I like the entertainment!
They are fun for the gamesters/puzzle buffs. Can be a bit of work to solve, also a bit of work to be OP, but I don't mind.

I will be back in the fall .. see if has any legs. Meantime, of course, anybody who wants to be OP, please get in there anytime.

You got the church, I could not find that. I knew it was a zoomed photo but I did not think as much as it shows in your map view.
Sorry, naw I did NOT get the cross of the church ... though about trying to use it like you did.

I did my trangulation just eyeballing Empire State and Chrysler replicas ..easier on the eyes without my reeading glasses.
(...) a bit of work to be OP, but I don't mind. I will be back in the fall .. see if has any legs. Meantime, of course, anybody who wants to be OP, please get in there anytime.
Sounds good. And yes, we are grateful for the free entertainment! Contributions in kind welcome? Alright!