66 300 convert right rear power window regulator question


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FCBO Gold Member
Dec 15, 2014
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Victoria, BC Canada
hey guys,
im helping a friend out with his 66 300 convert.
he discovered that the passenger rear power window regulator is not there.
what other years/body styles will interchange ?
am i right in thinking 65-68 ?
and will a coupe 1 work or are these convert only ?
i will post in the wanted section when i know more specifically what to search for.
or anybody have 1 ?
hey guys,
im helping a friend out with his 66 300 convert.
he discovered that the passenger rear power window regulator is not there.
what other years/body styles will interchange ?
am i right in thinking 65-68 ?
and will a coupe 1 work or are these convert only ?
i will post in the wanted section when i know more specifically what to search for.
or anybody have 1 ?

Mark: I don't think a coupe regulator will work in a convertible. Does your friend have all the other parts: motor, down stop, up stop, rollers and their gdmf spring nuts? When I repaired the rear quarter window in my '66 convertible, I also had to replace the glass including its special dual roller assembly too. Here is a little info I posted during my trials and tribulations:

The SAGA Begins - '66 300 Convertible
thanks @Ghostultramarine what we are looking for is the regulator, we have motors.
this is a regulator
we have extra window motors so we are good for those.
heheh the only thing left inside the body was a sprinkle of glass......
ive got emails in to murray park and national moparts
The quarter window power regulators are parts 2520 860 & 2520 861. I believe 860 would be the passenger side?

In 1965-66 that regulator was used in all C body convertibles, as well as New Yorker 2 door hardtops.

In 1967-68 it was used in the 2 door C bodies with the Fasttop roof and Imperial 2 door hardtops.
So these are 2 sets of rr regulators #’s 2802226(7). One set was known to be removed from a ‘67 Chrysler convertible while the other likely came from a ‘67 Imp 2 door. I’m not saying these are the same as ‘66 and take note of the offset that the arm takes off the elevator pivot and stay tuned for the next post as I have others that are earlier with less offset.
This is a passenger side rear part #2520568. I do not know what it was removed from but based on the part number I would think it’s ‘66 or earlier and definitely not Imperial. I have a few rear regs from 4 door ‘67’s and the rollers are a half inch further apart on them then the known 2 door units and this one below is the same as the 2 door regs but notice the lesser offset compared with the ones in the previous post.
I don’t yet have a parts book for ‘66 or ‘67 and none of these numbers are in the ‘68 parts book.
1967 Imperial coupe should use the same regulator as the '66 300 convertible.

It appears that they changed the convertible regulators in '67 on all C's and Y. They have a part number that begins with 28.

Dan has the correct part number in his post above.

thanks for all the info and advice guys ! @detmatt thanks for posting the pics
@D Cluley i have a friend with a 68 fast top pw parts car that still has the regulators so we will get the regulator from that
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thanks for all the info and advice guys ! @detmatt thanks for posting the pics
@D Cluley i have a friend with a 68 fast top pw parts car that still has the regulators so we will get the regulator from that
After you do that please revisit this thread and tell us how it went.:thankyou:
my buddy got the regulator out of a fast top Dodge parts car he had, but hasnt put it in the 66 300 convertible yet. he's got many many projects and gets new ones regularly, too regularly so he gets spread thin - hes a hauling/tow guy with his own private yard. currently hes working on yet another 66 300 convert he just got, a 47 hudson, a 60 new yorker 2dr, a 60 desoto 2 dr, a 60 plymouth sport suburban wagon, a 1917 overland touring car, 48 chrysler, 1924 Brooks steam car, etc etc
my buddy got the regulator out of a fast top Dodge parts car he had, but hasnt put it in the 66 300 convertible yet. he's got many many projects and gets new ones regularly, too regularly so he gets spread thin - hes a hauling/tow guy with his own private yard. currently hes working on yet another 66 300 convert he just got, a 47 hudson, a 60 new yorker 2dr, a 60 desoto 2 dr, a 60 plymouth sport suburban wagon, a 1917 overland touring car, 48 chrysler, 1924 Brooks steam car, etc etc

I just don't see the problem. . . :poke: