Rear seat belt configuration, 67 300 drop top!


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FCBO Gold Member
Nov 9, 2020
Reaction score
British Columbia
Been a while since I posted here, lots of stuff going on has kept me from finishing details on my 67 300. Finally got all the rebuilt power window motors re and re'd. All the switches back from Devinism, and a ton of work repairing and strengthening my door cards, where pretty much all of the clips were torn out of the shitty cardboardish (is that a word?) crap they made them out of. Everything is repaired and now in. I just blew a fat valve squeezing the rear seat back in, and realized I forgot to install the belts. FUUUUUUUU%%%###KK. Lifted up the back seat so I could get at the mounting holes. Now I have read from a lot of you guys that your car came with 3 sets of belts. Mine has 2 sets (they are original) and only 2 sets of holes. My question is this. If you are looking at the rear seat from the front of the car, do the short male ends go up against the side windows, and the two female in the center, or do they go Male Female, Male Female from left to right? The reason I ask is the Males are very short and just clear the top of the seats in the corners, and the females are long. But, if you do it that way, to pull the release, one belt opens to the left, and one opens to the right. I am also assuming the fabric label on the belt goes to the underneath. Guess I should of taken a photo before but when I start tearing **** apart, I figure I'll remember, but oh no!!
Any words of wisdom?

Male buckles are on the outside, female buckles on the inside.

If you want to put a 3rd set in (middle passenger), put them on the same bolts as the two middle female buckles are... just double them up.