66 Fury motor swap


Jan 28, 2011
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I have a 66 Fury III 4 door that currently has the original 273. What do you guys think of swaping in a larger motor? Or should I stick with the 273? She is gonna be a nice cruiser so no racing really. Would I have to change anything on the car to swap a larger motor like a 383 or 440 in? Thanks for your input.
Ya, if you want it to be a cruiser car then sticking with the small block is a good idea, unless you wanna swap all of the necessary parts just to put a big block in your cruiser, sounds like a good idea at the time untill you get halfway into it good luck on the decision
Ya, if you want it to be a cruiser car then sticking with the small block is a good idea, unless you wanna swap all of the necessary parts just to put a big block in your cruiser, sounds like a good idea at the time untill you get halfway into it good luck on the decision

So after much careful thought I have decided to keep the 273 in the car. After all it is numbers matching. But that brings me to another question...

I wanna add some more power to the old 273... what kind of mild build do you guys suggest?
If your staying with a small block why not move to a 360? Probably more parts availability. Working the transmission, replacing the converter and a set of 323's will make the car appear stock, not increase the weight by much and give you all the cruising power you need.
If your staying with a small block why not move to a 360? Probably more parts availability. Working the transmission, replacing the converter and a set of 323's will make the car appear stock, not increase the weight by much and give you all the cruising power you need.

You know my neighbor (who is a MOPAR guy too) told me the same thing. I will have to research building the 273 or dropping the 360 in, I'm on a budget so that may be a factor.
well budjet minded. you can probably pick up a warmed over 360, cheaper than rebuilding your 273 and gain more horse power and reliability 360 is externally balance so make sure you get a 360 converter.
well budjet minded. you can probably pick up a warmed over 360, cheaper than rebuilding your 273 and gain more horse power and reliability 360 is externally balance so make sure you get a 360 converter.

So your suggesting to buy a crate motor with some mods? Will have to check it out. Got any places to start?
you could go crate motor. i was thinking more of a good used 360 from maybe craigslist. or from the a body forum either way i wouldn't buy something that the seller wouldn't be willing to open up. (remove oil pan, valve covers, or even pull the heads .) for your inspection. or at least let you hear run. anybody that is telling you the motor was just rebuilt and their selling it for 500.00 didn't rebuild it at least not right puting a gasket on it or scabbing in a new bearing is not a rebuild ask for the paper work if they claim it was rebuilt. if it was truely rebuilt they won't hesitate to show ytou documentation. there are good used engines out there. you maybe able to pick up a good runnig car reasonable just for the motor
Since the 360 started in 71' and was actually available in very late 1970 in C bodies they are available and inexpensive. Don't limit yourself to a bodies, plenty of furies, Newports and Polaras with 360's waiting to be picked. If your going to rebuild it you can expand your years and search the yards and the ads..
Mancini Racing have motor mounts and such for a bb conversion. but as stated a good 360 will make all the difference
Everyone would love to have a 440, but going from small block to big block will complicate things a bit, especially for the budget minded. (which I have to be)
Ok, I sold on the 360 idea... have a few deals working now. What kind of tranny should I back it with? I have read good things about the 727... I don't think I can use the tranny that"s currently in the car.
727 is a great transmission. the transmission maybe a 727 in your car already. but if not a 904 which is still adequate and will save you some money. either way make sure you get the right converter or flexplate for the 360