Old wagon spinning rear tires....


Senior Member
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
British Columbia
Well I've been working...slowly..on rebuilding an Auburn/cone type mopar suregrip unit...for the last couple years. I've actually had the suregrip unit for close to 20 years!! Anyway I got the cones machined down so they would not bottom out in the case, then used small washers to figure out what thickness of shim I would need to bring the lash back into spec on the spider gears.
Mine turned out to be .060, 60 thou. I luckily had some scrap stainless sheet in that thickness so I had my machinist cut me a couple shims. Then I reassembled everything. Next was to bring down my 3.23 open unit, and the suregrip unit, and have the two made one. I finished installing everything last night.

Took the wagon out for my errands today, and a good highway jaunt...to make sure all way well and lubed up. Then I found a nice deserted section of road and crank 'er up....car lite both tires up effortlessly and left two nice even black marks down the road....:icon_super:
Way to go, Brian. Good job and congrats on tackling a complex unit.

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Congratulations! You have to take a video guy (gal) with you next time.
Yeah man! You should have at least taken a still photo or 2. Good job.
Brian, how in gawds name were you able to set up your pinion depth, backlash & preload on the first shot????
Have you done rear ends before?