Old Man with a Hat
You want I should change the title to Omnibus ***** about anything thread? That's awful presumptuous (as it relates to title) isn't it?
Gotta be friggin kidding me. I suppose we don't want to offend the dead people. I miss the 80's way of thinking.Here's something for you to digest -
Body bags are no longer called "body bags" anymore...the new name for these are "disaster sleeves"...no ****.
You obviously are not watching your general contractor & the subs.WTF? All I do is go to work, eat, wait for my house to be done and sleep. Rinse and repeat. I have nothing to ***** about and it's getting old.
Oh and it's the lack of complaining in the new upgrade threads that spurred me to create this one.
Sigh. Damn kids.. Get off his lawn.
We are omnibusin' baby.
O.K. perhaps, but here'z one for yeah that frost'z my stonez. When I go out of my way to pass valuable information to some one who thinkz the THANK YOU wordz are for otherz to utter and their daddy never thought enough about child rearing to ***** slap them into shape to know the difference. Howz that for the all encompassing Omnibus?You want I should change the title to Omnibus ***** about anything thread? That's awful presumptuous (as it relates to title) isn't it?
Yes you did and we're all good. They're are a few otherz that missed the daddy slap treatment tho' and we've all crossed pathz with 'um, not just me!. I'm about at the point that if their request doesn't end with please I just don't answerI did say thank you didn't I Jer? When you shared the machine shop info for the driveshaft. If not I'll bitchslap ma self!
Or should I say " rather than" . "Over ****" doesn't sound any better....You'll get better results using sugar over ****!
Nothin', they're cute...kinda like Gremlins only quickerWhat you got against Omni's?? lol
A guy I know was once told that he didn't deserve his 1960ish Cadillac by an older gentleman who was trying to low ball him.i want to ***** about old guys who think that young guys can't appreciate classic cars. i was born in '64 and my dream car is a '32 dodge. why can't someone who was born in '94 want a '62 dodge or a even '32 dodge? discuss?
They were just pissed that a youngin had the car.the older guys there pretty much expected him to give them the car just because he was 27.
You have Almost Half a century on me, Stan. I couldn't think that about you.Why is it automatically assumed by a young guy that if an old guy has an opinion different from a young guy, the old guy is stupid?
Now that is stupid.
KwitchurbitchinSo it was cold down these parts yesterday. I was thinkin' I didn't move far enough south.. AND they tore up the lawn yesterday.. Got a big huge-mong-assed hole now. 'Corse they plan to put a pool in its place. But still a hole in the yard....