Welcome to the hotel California


New Member
Jul 1, 2019
Reaction score
Montclair, CA
Christmas will be upon us shortly...

I like to think the members here are more then just a bunch of website users. During this time of year I think about all the great members we have that have made our sites the best Classic Car sites out there. Thank you for your part in that! I am so grateful to have members like you at Christmas and all year long.

I wish you and your family all the best this Christmas and during the upcoming year.

Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us here at FCBO!


Translation -
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'
Joey has FORBIDDEN me to leave! TRUTH!
I decided this forum wasnt for me, Im more of a A body guy so I asked Joey- hey dude..can you delete my posts and let me out? NO SIR- NO CAN DO. Asked kindly 3 Times at least. NO SIR - YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE. Doesnt say this on the join in form- nowhere, not even in small print.
"You can never leave" (Guitar solo)

No need to abandon the site, we have plenty to offer. Sure it's a different flavor than over on the A body site, but it's all good!

We stray from the norm anyways, we never stay on track.
I heard that he got back together with Debra Jo Rupp to play Husband and Wife on a new sitcom, we'll see if it gets picked up.
I wanna graft a A body roof to a C body slab with a E body front and a B body rear..and call it ANYBODY just cause our warden gives me warm fuzzies when I read this over n over again- I like to think the members here(prisoners) are more then just a bunch of website users. During this time of year I think about all the great members(prisoners) we have that have made our(MY) sites the best Classic Car sites out there. Thank you for your part in that! I am so grateful to have members(prisoners) like you at Christmas and all year long.....forever and ever!
Am i missing something ?Not sure what your point is.
You are welcome to leave, just don't come back.
Isn't it like going to an establishment ? You were there, you left but never return. You were there, the memory of you is still there either in your head , theirs or both, you just never return. :confused:
No one did it better than Peter Weller.
Think we have some confusion, Stan.
Peter Weller was the robocop in the 1st movie (maybe 2nd too).
Kurtwood Smith was a villain named Clarence Boddecker, who Murphy/robocop eventually killed during the 1st movie.


Kurtwood Smith was also excellent as the father in That 70s Show.
Am i missing something ?Not sure what your point is.
You are welcome to leave, just don't come back.
Isn't it like going to an establishment ? You were there, you left but never return. You were there, the memory of you is still there either in your head , theirs or both, you just never return. :confused:
Thank you for your Support!
Happy New Year.