if you had a 1,000,000+ bucks to send on you home site for my hoard , where would you live ?


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2016
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san jose california
my father passed away new years eve he was 88 years old , he left everything to my sister and i . worth ruffly 5,000,000 in properties and stuff . my sister and i are both 50/50 on the trust , even though i'm named first in the wording . but i'm not wanting to be partners with my sister , she has already made it clear on want she thinks it should be . so that said , i'm a car guy with a hoard of cars and projects , going on with my bonneville racer and drag cars , so i need both within reach . don't really want neighbor . but don't want my new property to never gain in value , any ideas !
Depends entirely on your preferred climate and where the people live that you want to be around.
First let me say I am sorry to hear of your fathers passing, I hope he had a full life. When parents move over to the other side, unfortunately you see a side to your siblings you never expected. This is exactly what happened with my brothers and sisters when my parents passed away. I would do the fair thing, split everything down the middle with her, pay your estate taxes, and since you like you cars, move to a quiet place in Nevada. If you want privacy to work on your projects you cannot find a better place. GOOD LUCK.
my sister and i are both 50/50 on the trust , but i'm not wanting to be partners with my sister , she has already made it clear on want she thinks it should be . so that said , don't really want neighbor . but don't want my new property to never gain in value , any ideas !

Your wording is confusing to me. Sorry about your Dad, leaving California is the best choice anybody can make! Where are you lookin to relocate to? America is a big country. Split it 50/50, if you both know what you want without conflict, then cool. If not, sell it and split the coin between you 2. What does she think it should be, what's that all about? I've never really seen a property depreciate unless you trash it out and destroy it, or finically put yourself underwater with it.
Sorry for your loss. Close to friends and family would be best. With your resources build a nice large garage with climate control.
@pomonamissel So is this coming because some of the horde of Chrysler cars is at your Dad's place and your sister wants to sell the property?

I'd suggest any place dry climate. If you use realtor.com to search within a wide radius (like 100 miles) of cities like Phoenix, Flagstaff, or Santa Fe, you'll probably find something decent.

I guess the real trick is finding a reasonably priced way to move all those cars.

Sorry about your Dad. I lost my Dad 6/1/2016. He was 89. Still miss him. Keep a Polaroid of him taped to my hutch and talk to him occasionally. Doesn't answer, but it's the best I can do.
move out in the mojave with gene winfield and ian roussel. you'll fit right in.:lol:
I'm so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. It's been nearly two years since my Dad passed, always tough.

Southwest Colorado is dry and sparsely populated. Not much around though if your big on having everything at your fingertips.
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Sorry to hear about your loss, that’s a bummer.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

If I had to make the decision, I would look for something rural or semi-rural. I'd look for an area (municipality, county, village, etc) that had the least amount of government regulations and where land is fairly cheap. Those two quite often go hand in hand. After all, the less you pay for land, the nicer home you can build or move on to the property and the more you can spend on your cars, which is a plus. Take your time and do some research into possible locations and see if you like them. If it were me though, I would make sure that I put a fair amount in savings or investments of some kind, making sure that around half of that is guaranteed by FDIC. That's my suggestion and what I would do anyway.
If I had to do it again I would be in a large warehouse. My Peterbilt access pull in, drive out in am, living quarters would be a travel trailer in corner. I would not care urban or rural just as long as the neighbors don't live close.

Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing.
Right here in Fumbuck County, Florida.
I will visit every day.
You won't be able to get rid of me.

oooooo another member of the FUHOA tribe?

FUHOA Dance.gif
florida , is a likely spot , for a rental duplex for when i go to daytona races . rent one side , stay in the other . will need some room to spread out a bit , have a place for some of my hoard , lol .
1. North county SLO: Paso Robles, Templeton, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, and surrounding countryside. Not too far away but far enough and warm and dry. You can get some acreage and build a nice house and garage.

2. Sierra foothills.

3. Bakersfield / Tehachapi

4. Eastern Sierra: Bishop, Bridgeport, Lone Pine, Independence

5. Soledad (just kidding)