Florida Mopar Car Show and Swap Meet November

Ha! Beat Rip to it.

I recognize these two.

They look much better out in the sun.

An interesting neighbor showed up.

Always loved these wheels!
A couple more pics from in the Bat Cave. Awfully dark and a bit dusty in there but these kinda saw the light. The old iphone 5C still takes a decent pic.

‘69 Triple Pickle! I could live with it.

These are always good photo subjects.

And yet another of Big Daddy’s projects.

Another shot of Will’s Polara, just because!
Those red wheel cover centers gotta be rare. I don’t recall seeing those “back in the day” other than a brochure pic.
Next weekend I hit the Turkey Run at the speedway again.
Ew!! A red shaker. Those are rare early builds. Very difficult to find.
Ya didn't happen to get the fender tag picture did you? Curious of it's SPD.
No fender tag pic.
As I recall certain early 70 high impact colors got the color matched Shaker. When they didn’t sell that well most were painted argent and made available on all the cuda and R/T engines.
So as I understand, there was only one colored shaker produced and it was for plymouth only. It was red. They had an advertising campaign that showed a red shaker and people demanded they get one in red. So Plymouth did so. Plymouth also beat dodge to the shaker hood and produced many before dodge got a chance to put them out there. After a short early burst of red shakers, all the shakers were argent after that. Red shakers are very rare.
Ew!! A red shaker. Those are rare early builds. Very difficult to find.
Ya didn't happen to get the fender tag picture did you? Curious of it's SPD.

didn't have a red shaker from the factory.

VIN is bs23r0b220065 with an SPD of c16

Plymouth also beat dodge to the shaker hood and produced many before dodge got a chance to put them out there.

Shakers were planned for Challengers with their introduction.
But they had a construction problem with the crumble zone.
As a result the shaker hood was readily available in april 1970 on the Challengers

And it's a R0B too! awesome car. Too bad it's an original argent shaker.
fc7, I assume you are familiar with the car then.
I can't find any info on it from the sites or google with the exception of a link to barry's registry of lost and found BS's.
And it's a R0B too! awesome car. Too bad it's an original argent shaker.
fc7, I assume you are familiar with the car then.
I can't find any info on it from the sites or google with the exception of a link to barry's registry of lost and found BS's.

saw it at the garlits show in 2013 and took pics
Well, you probably know me well enough by now that you know I'm going to ask for the fender tag readout. If not, no big deal. But I gotta try.

This car? All the other photos in this brochure show the argent color.
I suspect the Lemon Twist, Hi C Orange and Black shakers I recall from back then were dealer or owner done.

Here’s a red shaker on a Challenger. ‘course it’s a French brochure so who knows.
Damn it Rip. Now i’m hungry!
How was that train ride in this time of The Great Covid Crisis?