Urban deer


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FCBO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2017
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troy mi
Everyone is upnorth hunting and this guy showed up next door in the city.

Urban deer have become a problem in the areas west of Fort Worth proper. They were always here, but expanding housing projects have decreased their natural habitat, which they have not completely vacated. So they eat flowers and such in the existing, larger tracts, which have been there for years. An abundance of oak trees is on their side, too. Ordinances came out to "not feed the deer", but with the many places that sell deer corn for hunters to put in their "traps", that didn't seem to work. The deer are here, no matter what.

Nice to look at, gone in a split second when spooked, and good for the body shop business.

Bambi makes a lot suburban (and to a greater degree "exurban") parkways off limits at night for my vintage cars, especially in the fall...….
This guy just got his *** kicked by the big one!! Very neat morning around here!

Urban deer have become a problem in the areas west of Fort Worth proper. They were always here, but expanding housing projects have decreased their natural habitat, which they have not completely vacated. CBODY67
Deer are overpopulated. Also. we've killed off their natural predators. Environmentalists try to block expanding deer season, increasing deer limits, and hunting doe to take care of the problem. Deer are chief carriers of ticks which are chief carriers of Lyme disease. The CDC reports over 300000 new cases of Lyme disease annually and that's probably an understatement due to poor testing procedures. I say to Elmer and his fellow hunters, "Forget the wabbits, GO KILL THE DEER!"
Deer are overpopulated. Also. we've killed off their natural predators. Environmentalists try to block expanding deer season, increasing deer limits, and hunting doe to take care of the problem. Deer are chief carriers of ticks which are chief carriers of Lyme disease. The CDC reports over 300000 new cases of Lyme disease annually and that's probably an understatement due to poor testing procedures. I say to Elmer and his fellow hunters, "Forget the wabbits, GO KILL THE DEER!"

Deer aren't over populated, people are.
I remember up in the western suburbs of Massachusetts back in the 80's I turned on the police scanner one Saturday morning to hear one of our local PD Officers call in a moose sighting, dispatched responded that the State Police sharpshooter was on call for this moose as it had been sighted around the highways during rush hour for the past several weeks. Dispatch asked the officer what was the moose doing, officer called back that it was standing in the middle of a neighborhood street meaning it was occupying the whole street so no one could get by as it was that large. Another officer jokingly chimed in that they should contact the animal control officer, reporting officer responded back as to what (she) the dog catcher was going to do in this incidence. Other officer responded, "collect 6 hours overtime"...
It was reported on the 6'Oclock news that the Trooper finally shot it on the highway median several days later in the next town over.

Then a few years later there was another one corralled in someones fenced in back yard that drew a crowd and the news crew, shot that one too. Then tried to haul it away with a backhoe, nope that didn't work, they had to get a John Deere front end loader to pick it up as they estimated it weighed over 1,200 pounds. I think there was some mention in the newspaper that the kiddies that saw the moose being put down should seek counseling...

Deer aren't over populated, people are.
LOL. What do you want to do, hunt people?

A better method would be to make the rod, a small implant under the skin that prevents pregnancy for 3 years, available free to anyone who wants it. Of course, then you run into organized religion and ridiculous concerns about preventing sex before marriage. One of these religions combines be fruitful and multiply (large families) with violent doctrine (Quran) to create Jihadists (results: events like 911).

Human population control: How bout we end organized religion and distribute the rod to any woman who wants it.
An article from New York State Govt 2017
Deer Overabundance - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Some excerpts
  • However, fully functional forest ecosystems don't exist in New York. Even deer in large wild areas such as the Adirondacks are not living in an intact ecosystem. Wolves and mountain lions, historically their principal predators, have been eliminated. Bears, bobcats and coyotes do prey on deer, particularly fawns, but hunting by humans is currently the primary predatory force acting to control population levels. The exception is in urban and suburban areas, where the majority of deer deaths are caused by collisions with vehicles.
  • Local laws and landowner opinions have severely constrained hunting in many developed areas. The resulting limited mortality combined with abundant food has allowed suburban and urban deer populations to reach extraordinarily high levels. Although better accessibility for hunters might have prevented such dramatic population growth, once populations reach high densities in developed areas it's very difficult to bring them down with recreational hunting in its traditional forms. Nor would the return of the state's full suite of natural predators be expected to significantly reduce deer populations in developed or agricultural areas. Wolves and mountain lions would avoid or not be tolerated in such areas.
  • The principal deer-related problems recognized by most people are those that directly affect human activities. The most frequently mentioned concerns include:
  1. deer-vehicle collisions on roads;
  2. deer eating crops in agricultural areas and landscaping plants in residential areas; and
  3. the potential role of deer in the increase of tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease (link leaves DEC website).
  • There is also a growing awareness that deer are altering forests (PDF) across the state, perhaps permanently. Just as livestock can overgraze a range and reduce it to a barren wasteland, deer can over-browse a forest. Because mature canopy trees aren't affected, deer impacts on a forest may not be immediately obvious, but they are profound and long-lasting. Browsing by deer at high densities:
  1. reduces diversity in the forest understory;
  2. enables invasive species to out-compete natives; and
  3. prevents seedlings of many species from growing into the next generation of trees.
Deer Facts
I'll admit includes older stats, but I bet the problem has gotten worse instead of better.
  • In areas of overpopulation, deer cause an over browsing affect called a "browse line". In areas with a browse line, most plant species below the browse line are stripped bare damaging the habitat for many species. These browse lines can be from four to six feet high.
  • Deer establish a territory and will not leave it.
  • Deer are known to starve rather than leave their domain.
  • Just 2 deer without predation can produce a herd of up to 35 deer in just 7 years.
  • Deer can live up to 11 years in the wild.
  • Under optimal conditions without regulating factors like predators or hunting, deer populations can double in size annually.
Deer Damage and Problems
  • A recent survey of U.S. farm leaders revealed that as many as 56% believed they had suffered crop damage by wildlife and the Whitetail deer was named as the primary culprit. Pennsylvania farmers suffer crop damage of an estimated $30 million annually, Wisconsin estimates it's farmers are hit for $37 million annually.
  • Back in 1995, conservative estimates place deer-car collisions in the us at over 500,000 annually. Vehicle damage is in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • The annual damage in New Jersey alone is estimated to exceed $10 million dollars. These accidents resulted in thousands of injuries and over 100 deaths.
  • Suburban home owners spend thousands of dollars on replacing landscaping plants defoliated or damaged by deer.
  • In 1995, Lyme disease was considered to be the fastest growing infectious disease next to AIDS. Some scientists see a strong link between high deer densities and Lyme disease. [My note, in 1995 CDC estimated 30000 new cases of Lyme per year. It's 10 times that now.]
  • In Pennsylvania, a state that tracks deer-vehicle collisions, there are over 40,000 deer-vehicle collisions annually.
  • Even more important is the cost in human life. During the 1985-1994 period, 12 fatalities were reported as a result of deer-vehicle collisions in Virginia.
Here are a couple deer that were waiting to vote on election day.

If you take a large treble hook, put a good apple on the hook and hang the hook and apple on the "browse line" even grand ma can catch a deer. Typical family trick I learned back in the south. Pretty important for older folks that can't hunt.



My brother’s house 2 miles north of me is on a golf course. (Not far from Troy and the O.P.) He has counted as many as 12 deer laying in his backyard in mornings.
Pa has extended deer season added doe tags and they still keep multiplying exponentially. We need to give the doe the pregnancy rod.
A few anecdotes.

Our place is on a suburban lot backing on to a wooded escarpment and we see deer all the time. They are a nuisance coming into our yard and grazing on some of our bushes. Most of them are does that come down with the buck staying up on the hill watching them. 2 weeks ago we had a large buck with a big rack get spooked and bound through our back yard. Of course my phone was charging so no pics.

Last week at work, my daughter works at the local library, a doe entered the entry vestibule of the building which is enclosed on 3 sides by glass and one side open. It became confused and panicked charging into the glass several times making a huge racket with blood all over. All the women were screaming not knowing what to do but called the cops. One person that was thinking opened one of the doors which caused it to run out the open side. The cop showed up too late and the ladies were shocked when he said he would have put it down.

A deer was hit on the highway in town recently causing severe damage to the vehicle. Fortunately no one was hurt and last year I had a close call when one jumped across the road right in front of me when I was doing about 50 mph. 2 seconds away from it coming through my windshield. Even though our town is mostly rural above the escarpment, our progressive council has maintained a no discharging firearms bylaw. Sadly we have no 2nd amendment here in Canada.