I'm attempting to make a reasoned suggestion to make life easier for users here. You have how many posts per day? I can see that "shut up and follow the rules" is more important than taking a suggestion into thoughtful considerations. Thats fine - its your dwindling user base and revenue...
Copying everything over from my FB ad to this site *just because I happen to be the seller too*, seems counterintuitive given the ease with which it can be posted if I am *not* the seller.
If it's NOT my car, then I can simply post the link.
But if it IS my car, and I happen to be a member of...
I have my car for sale on Facebook. It was mentioned by another member in a thread here. I was advised to post a for sale ad in the correct section.
I am unsure how to share my Facebook ad here for the benefit of other members to see. I'm getting plenty of ad exposure on facebook.... just...
Thanks! I guess i am sort of a jack-of-all-trades....
This was my second time attempting this. My first try was a different car and the result was a completely destroyed sewing machine and having someone else make them.
I bought a new machine since then and watched a lot of youtube to get up...
Nice looking car imo. Won't know till you're looking at it in person though. Every car will have some weird thing done by a previous owner.
This reminds me I have a fuel level sender I should install :BangHead:
This made my morning! My friend and I are still laughing, because he has always wondered why myself or anyone would choose a land yacht like this. I must be a simple man... my only complaint is the lack of power windows, as I have to reach over into an adjacent postal code to open them.
Thanks for all the great information! The front and fenders of the car are from a later royal monaco, which was white. From your decoding of the plate under the hood, it sounds like the plate and radiator support is correct for my 74, the rest of which was indeed blue. After completing...
The front end of my monaco is from a royal. I'm wondering if this is the correct info plate (picture attached) for my car. Also what is the long strip of metal with the punches about? Post 8 is my broadcast sheetm