Recent content by redchihuahua2004

  1. redchihuahua2004

    Photos of Vintage Auto Dealerships, Repair Shops, and Gas Stations

    Hey "67Newport", Was there any indication with this photo that you posted of where this tire shop was located? I'm just wondering if I may have a family-connection to it in some way (Lehman family name). Thanks!
  2. redchihuahua2004

    We've lost Locumob - Scott.

    So sorry for your loss to those who knew him. Prayer sent for his family and friends.
  3. redchihuahua2004

    Some more classic pictures

    Interesting... a 67 Belvedere II with 67 Satellite side trim
  4. redchihuahua2004

    Carb for 383 4bbl

    Looks like a Carter AVS Why not just rebuild it? (My guess is that carb is what the car came with from the factory.)
  5. redchihuahua2004

    Photos of Vintage Auto Dealerships, Repair Shops, and Gas Stations

    The Stetler's dealer is most likely from York, PA (my hometown). Assuming it is the same dealer I'm thinking of, the location moved to the suburbs so-to-speak back in the 90's I believe, but the original building (and facade) still exists and is currently "Byrnes Health Education Center" in...
  6. redchihuahua2004

    New Muffler Sound Laws and Enforcement

    more gov't overreach in my opinion
  7. redchihuahua2004

    The most hideous car accessory ever invented.

    Lots of choices for most hideous car accessory here... :realcrazy:
  8. redchihuahua2004

    Some more classic pictures

    Here's the tractor that broke that 1935 record... Jack Donohue Motorsports - 8N Credible - The 8NCREDIBLE Story
  9. redchihuahua2004

    Dealing with Alzheimer’s

    May God be with you and your family during this difficult journey. Lean on Him and He will give you rest and comfort. 28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find...
  10. redchihuahua2004

    License plates ,dealer frames, and dealer badges

    How about Wiest Motor Co. in York, PA? Thanks.
  11. redchihuahua2004

    SOLD Big Block Exhaust Manifold Set

    Hey Snotty, Thanks for the tip. I will check it out. Have a merry Christmas! Shawn
  12. redchihuahua2004

    SOLD Big Block Exhaust Manifold Set

    How about $20.00 for both + shipping?
  13. redchihuahua2004

    SOLD Big Block Exhaust Manifold Set

    PRICE REDUCED! Now $15.00 each or $25.00 for both + shipping from zip code 37604
  14. redchihuahua2004

    SOLD Big Block Exhaust Manifold Set

    PRICE REDUCED! Big Block Exhaust Manifold Set For Sale Casting Numbers Driver Side: 63107 Passenger Side: 2205535 According to TTI website, these were originally installed on 65-73 C bodies (but may fit others) Butterfly moves freely Parts being sold as is Now $15.00 each or $25.00 for both +...
  15. redchihuahua2004

    Welcome redchihuahua2004 to FCBO!

    I am restoring a 67 Plymouth Satellite and enjoy all Mopars. Location: East TN