C body 4 speed floor hump section

John A

Apr 17, 2012
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A while back I read about a member on this site possibly reproducing the floor Hump for a C Body four-speed car. Are these currently available? Thanks John.
Nobody is making humps.
Best bet would be harvesting one out of a wreck. Or finding one of the ones that was stamped 30 yr ago stashed under a shelf collecting dust.
Both these options have a slim to none chance of happening. But you won't know if you don't hunt.
A 66 to 70 b body hump is different but similar enough that it can be converted fairly easily by someone with a cut off wheel and mig.

My experience over the years is there has been far more talk then action regarding 4 speed conversion.
My experience over the years is there has been far more talk then action regarding 4 speed conversion
Absitively!!! :BangHead:
Everybody says they want one but nobody actually does it.
I find it depressing how it's all just lip flapping.
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I have a original C hump.
I use it as a pattern to convert the b
I can give a fairly accurate way of doing the surgery.
But, BUT, before anyone gets all pumped up and Gung ho about 4 speed,
source a bellhousing, flywheel and clutch. And a transmission.
Then hunt down the torque tube, or Z bar in Chevy talk. Plus find or make the bracket that welds onto the stub. And consider getting this bracket in the right place.
Keep in mind you need clutch and brake pedals and brackets. This is not complicated if you find a parts car or wreck and can get ALL the pieces.
So the hump is one of the easier pieces in the puzzle.

To be fair, a few c bodies have been converted. But dam few.

As time permits I'm doing either a 66 300 or a 69 Monaco, I'm having a hard time deciding
~20ish years ago I bought and sold pedals and parts about 1-2 times a year. (I'd find them in a JY /6 car or buy from folks who didn't know they were for a C-body)
When guys would find out that they'd need $1500 worth of stuff in addition to the pedals to convert a car to a MT, they'd often bail.

Nowadays, it's easily $3000 worth of parts needed to convert a car.
I have pedals, Z-bar, linkage rods, floor hump, flywheel/clutch - and I'd still be $1500 away from everything I'd need. (yes, sometimes you find things on a bargain, but you cannot plan for it to happen)

SOLD - For Sale - 65 Mostly Complete 4 Speed Setup