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  1. Big_John

    1969 Plymouth Fury, Starting/Ignition or electric issue?

    Ok, that makes sense now. That makes things easier, First, be sure to have a copy of the factory service manual as you'll need to look at wires and their positions on the firewall disconnect. Service Manuals – MyMopar has a downloadable version. Go to page 8-119 What you need to do is...
  2. MrMoparCHP

    Washer bottle and pump questions, 69 Polara

    I don't see why not, there were some changes in the battery mounting/placement that may have an impact. Alan
  3. 57fury440

    1969 Plymouth Fury, Starting/Ignition or electric issue?

    You did have the key to on position when you tried it?
  4. 57fury440

    1969 Plymouth Fury, Starting/Ignition or electric issue?

    If it cranks when you use a screwdriver on the starter solenoid, I would check to see if you are getting any spark. I would think it is not otherwise it should start.
  5. C

    Washer bottle and pump questions, 69 Polara

    What about '70-'7e Fuselage cars' reservoirs? Will they fit the '69s, too? Just curious, CBODY67
  6. Ross Wooldridge

    WANTED 66 Fury Radio delete dash panel and quarter window guide needed

    Interesting - well, keep me posted on how that goes.
  7. Sixpactogo

    Electronic ignition conversion tips

    I can't say I've had any experience with the newer China made ECU's but I suspect the biggest reason for their failure could be caused by poor installation. Namely, the lack of a good ground. As for me, I have never had an ECU failure since I learned about the case ground issue back in the...
  8. Thad dude

    WANTED 66 Fury Radio delete dash panel and quarter window guide needed

    Thanks for the reply and education. Yest my car does have AC but I was figuring that I could modify one of my existing panels and graft that control area to the delete panel with some careful dremmel trimming and JB weld.
  9. Kai2006

    1969 Plymouth Fury, Starting/Ignition or electric issue?

    Sorry John I mean turning over, so under the hood it looks fine I think. I have a crank there.
  10. Big_John

    1969 Plymouth Fury, Starting/Ignition or electric issue?

    I think you need to define the word "starting". If by starting, do you mean the engine is running? Or do you mean the engine is turning over and not running?
  11. C

    NOT MINE 1974 Dodge Royal Monaco 2-door.

    He answered some questions I had and frankly saved me the trip. Current seller located in New York.
  12. Kai2006

    1969 Plymouth Fury, Starting/Ignition or electric issue?

    My mopar friends, so still no results unfortunately. What have we done; - Checked battery, just fine at 12.8V. - Checked battery cables, good ground as well. - Checked and tested fusible link, OK. - Starter is oke, by testing as below: - Checked starter relais, seems oke Disconnected yellow wire...
  13. J

    72 newyorker 73 fury

    I've gone in when I had to. Turn signal, horn, cruise, old cracked wires. The usual stuff.
  14. Ross Wooldridge

    WANTED 66 Fury Radio delete dash panel and quarter window guide needed

    Can't help you with the quarter window pot metal casting, but there's likely lots available out there in wrecking yards. Someone will have a lead. Regarding your dash plate - firstly, the delete plate you show is for a NON AC equipped car, radio and clock delete. The ones you have to trade...
  15. V

    72 newyorker 73 fury

    I can be in there to undo the ignition lock ("key switch") in about 10 minutes without destroying the original. Pop the steering wheel off is the worst part of the whole thing
  16. 67valiant 100

    1971 300

    So why did the comments get deleted?? Anyways like I was saying, just bring the shell out to Carlisle and I'll bring it home like the Fury.
  17. ayilar

    1971 300

    @cuda hunter -- stick to the original plan to part the car, your wallet will thank you. Now, if I wanted to tempt you the other way, here's a GY5 300 T-code that is currently for sale in Germany -- many thanks to @Lycidias for alerting me to it (ignore the TNT pie tin, it's a CM23T from the...
  18. J

    Tips for a young guy? What’s next?

    Study the "vintage pics of woman and cars" thread from start to finish.
  19. live4theking

    New here

    Welcome from the Keystone State.