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  1. Big_John

    Vent window channel felt

    Take a look at this site. Window Channel You'll have to measure your window channel and see if they have a match.
  2. 67newport

    Friday tunes..

  3. D

    Base/Clear PPG Paint Code Assistance

    Thank you this is very helpful. It sounds like there are going to be multiple steps to get this paint correct and it is not as straight forward as I thought. I am not sure there will be any original paint left on the car, I will have to look, I have an original fender skit but it has one...
  4. cuda hunter

    NOT MINE 1971 Imperial 2-door.

    Yes sir. That is definitely one thing that internet forums are great for. Some folks just have so much time on their hands. Actually that's why I try to help and answer any questions that I can since I ask questions all the time.
  5. Big_John

    Hideaway headlight door not functioning properly

    I don't think that's correct. This is from the '72 Plymouth FSM. The connection to 87A should be the black/red wire. The only brown/white wire I can find near there is for the windshield wiper.
  6. D

    Base/Clear PPG Paint Code Assistance

    Doing base/clear, just want to understand how the paint codes work for automobiles and get as close to the original color as possible in base/clear.
  7. E

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    Been tackling this bit by bit, day by day. Will be documenting info that will hopefully be of use to anyone in the future that stumbles across my posts. Strut rods finally came out, I took off the front nuts first before tackling the rears, fronts needed a 24mm socket, while the rears needed a...
  8. ayilar

    69 Monaco 500 Convertible DP27L9

    @71Polara383 @marty mopar
  9. ayilar

    NOT MINE 1971 Imperial 2-door.

    So you left it to someone else to use their coffee break to do the work for you. I see... :p
  10. 67newport

    Friday tunes..

  11. cuda hunter

    NOT MINE 1971 Imperial 2-door.

    I know I know. I was at work and had a minute. Didn't have research time.
  12. M

    Vent window channel felt

    Anyone found a replacement for the felt insert that the glass rides in on the vent window division bar. For a 1962 Crown 4 Door. I have a picture of the original and one I just got that I thought would work. It is way too tight for the glass to fit in it.
  13. 3175375

    What are you working on today??

    We’re continuing with our forever home project. Painting the piano room, after patching all of the picture frame holes and grinding out old curtain rod mounts. Things are converging beautifully!
  14. F


    Considerate to others if you mark your wanted ad "found".
  15. 70 Sport Suburban

    69 Monaco 500 Convertible DP27L9

    Not sure if your 69 has the options for these trim pieces but I have them laying around.
  16. detmatt

    My new `67 Imperial Crown Coupe!

    And yes I did sandblast and paint the hood insulation pad clips.:)
  17. moparblake

    Hideaway headlight door not functioning properly

    These are what I followed
  18. Frankskustom

    Frankskustom project 300 1965

    Thanks appreciate it . Yes I work in a bodyshop but its not every day you can do custom thing i usualy do insurance job. If i could i would do custom thing everyday
  19. Hap

    Bucket seat identity

    No problem . Try to help if I can . I had that car 20 years ago . Memory obviously a little hazy . Lol . James pointed out the headrests and got me thinking .
  20. ayilar

    NOT MINE 1970 Plymouth fury ii $2,500 COP CAR 2 tag

    I would not. Nice pics.