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  1. 3175375

    We have lost Rip

    Sad news. May his family have peace and his soul now rests…
  2. 3175375

    Heavy Metal

    And Kalifornia rents them. Being the 7th largest economy in the world, that’s unfathomable.
  3. 3175375

    Heavy Metal

    I believe that there’s one in Dayton and I have seen one at the Pima Air Museum.
  4. live4theking

    We have lost Rip

    Wow, that's horrible news.
  5. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Grinding skills improving. Welding skills still very sketchy... Right door small filler panel installed...
  6. V

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster were probably trying to line up the marks a full turn tighter
  7. Boydsdodge

    Electronic Ignition , Goop leaking out

    On your ECU tester, do you find it tests 4 pin ECUs correctly? While asking, what is best way to test Voltage regulator off car?
  8. Vaanth

    Electronic Ignition , Goop leaking out

    Supplementing what's already been noted, the material you see is a potting compound. It is not melting, but is slowly breaking down and oozing out. Potting compound has been used for decades in electronics to seal for environmental protection against moisture, debris, etc. and movement of...
  9. Boydsdodge


    place the tip on a scrap of wood and push down, as it is compressing tighten your zip ties. I wore a heavy glove on the hand doing the compressing. Might be good to have a helper tighten the zip ties while you push down. The shock needs to be fully compressed to fit in the shock housing. when...
  10. 68HemiRR

    SOLD OEM Hurst 4 speed shifter

    This is an OEM Hurst 4 speed shifter for a 1964 Plymouth or Dodge B-body with a console. It may also work in other years and models. It is in good condition. I do not have the original white ball for it. $250.00 Local pickup, or buyer pays shipping.
  11. J


    When they came collapsed from the manufacturer the strapping did not go through the lower bolt hole but above it. The plastic strap was also made to fit the shock and not zip ties.
  12. Ron McDowell


    How did you compress the shock
  13. Big_John


    I saw this on the 300 club site. An old socket with a notch ground in it for the cable tie.
  14. Frankskustom

    Torsion key drop

    I am looking to use rear block 2inch and same in the front 2inch
  15. K

    For Sale Nos 69-71 fury wagon rear door drivers side

    Nos 69-71 fury wagon rear driver's side door, (4-door). Part # 2859717. $100 located in Shepherdsville Kentucky 40165, don't want to ship, could bring to the Indy Mopar swap meet Feb/March. Thanks
  16. Mudeblue

    What did you name your car?

    Background: 1965 Sport Fury, recently had complete restoration, but will never be done, with approximately 1,200 miles since completion, three years to complete process, owned car 36 years. I originally just called it "The Fury" which then went to the "Money Pit" but now has migrated to "POS,"...
  17. Boydsdodge


    It is a hard press to get them moving place the first washer and rubber bushing on, wrap zip ties long enough to wrap over the washer and through the lower bold hole in a x pattern. I did this with my Imperial.
  18. HOT FURY

    Torsion key drop

    just buy some drop spindles from one of the companies that make them for c body's