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  1. Cranky1

    Which engine is this?

    The valve covers are probably from 'Mopar Performance' and that's what it says on them.
  2. Cranky1

    Old stuff you still use. insurance agent gave it to me about 37 years ago when I asked him what works for termites. The bottle (from the 60's had 'Fireant Killer' on it). I knew it had been banned so did some research on how to use it. Been here going on 41 years and haven't seen a termite since! I know...
  3. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    Had a 10.60 drag car in 84 with the Greens in it and they held up.....
  4. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    They are an easier way to go but, if you like to corner carve, then the tapered bearings are a better way to go. A single ball bearing per side doesn't take side loading as good as the tapered bearings do.
  5. Cranky1

    Welcome, raoulerickson

    Welcome to the site @raoulerickson
  6. Cranky1

    Welcome, balloonrich

    Welcome to the site @balloonrich
  7. Cranky1

    Welcome, dkindy

    Welcome to the site @dkindy
  8. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    Keep in mind that anything new you get will most likely be from China. Also depending on the gears you get, pay attention to the radius at the bearing fit. Shim fit is important there as some of this overseas stuff will have a larger radius and can interfere with the shims. A larger radius is...
  9. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    That's a bit more than a 15% change and you should feel the difference at the hit of the throttle.....and I would recommend getting a SG.
  10. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    I'm thinking it was probably already weakened. Do you know if a driveshaft ever got spit off of it? Doubt that could happen....
  11. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    How big of an impact were you using?? 3/4" drive? I've done a lot of work on 8 3/4's and have never done that but I don't use the big impacts.
  12. Cranky1

    The first time to drive a C body.....69 New Yorker

    First time that dad got to buy a big car too. I was 17 and had a 66 Belvedere II with the poly teen at the time. Dad was a Mopar guy but didn't work on them :( and tried a little to encourage me to make enough money to not have too work on my own cars but wasn't having anything to do with that...
  13. Cranky1

    We have lost Rip

    Condolences go out to friends and family.....
  14. Cranky1

    8 3/4 pinion seal and rear axle collar adjuster

    When you adjust the axle end play, do it when the car is cold and iirc, you should have .013-.023" end play. I've always done it by feel even though I have a dial indicator and never had an issue. Just make sure you don't get it too tight. When the axles get hot, they do expand and will close up...
  15. Cranky1

    1971 300

    Well, the mods can't create any new forums for the members to post in....only the site admin or the site owner can do that.
  16. Cranky1

    1973 Newport

    The speedo is run off of a cable from the trans. No generator but alternator....could be something as simple as a wire not connected or something major as a melted wire. Fuel gauge may be the sender in the tank. Just have to do some testing. Do you have a factory repair manual? You can usually...
  17. Cranky1

    Welcome, Ron McDowell

    Welcome to the site! @Ron McDowell
  18. Cranky1

    Welcome, TwoGun

    Welcome to the site! @TwoGun !
  19. Cranky1

    WANTED Early closed chamber heads for a 1961 383

    516 heads?? Not sure when the 516's came out.....not even familiar with the Sonoramic Commando 383
  20. Cranky1

    1971 300

    That works both ways.....