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  1. barnfind

    Friday tunes..

  2. MrMoparCHP

    Name that girl

    I climb back under my rock at the back of a cave on another planet for this one. Alan
  3. HJmaniac

    vintage pics of women & cars

  4. MrMoparCHP

    1968 Plymouth Fury I Police Car! Walk Around, Fender Tag Decode, & parts car

    I see that more as a special project than a room line. Yes the Charger 500 has a filler panel for the back window but it was a special project with only 392 being built. I do not feel they used the X for the roofline, I do feel it was more for the special project that would be in the price...
  5. Blusmbl

    68 fury oil pan removal

    Big blocks you have to jack the motor up a couple inches to get the pan off, but it’s really not a bad job either.
  6. Ross Wooldridge

    Fitment question re dog dishes and cop car wheels

    Interesting - thanks - I was wondering how that could be done. If you come up with a source, please let me know. Looking at the adaptors you posted - obviously they're a permanent weld on thing, and they don't seem to have what I would feel is the required compression bump and under-seat that...
  7. 68PK21 440.6bbl

    1968 Plymouth Fury I Police Car! Walk Around, Fender Tag Decode, & parts car

    Coming back to this I came across his auction win of this car in a previous video he posted. Many 1968 Fury bargains were had at this auction. (parts cars) Again being a PE car I'd question the police aspect of the car, you'd have to do some more research on it. It could be a FBI car, maybe...
  8. Big_John

    Fitment question re dog dishes and cop car wheels

    There were some adapters available, but I can't find them right now. I've also seen this done (on the web that is) with Mopar wheels.
  9. FCBO Administrator

    Welcome, Rockys Edge

    Join me in welcoming @Rockys Edge to FCBO.
  10. C

    New guy and my new-to-me 66 Convertible!

    Cool car man! I have a 66 Fury III vert also. What engine is in it?
  11. Big_John

    vintage pics of women & cars

  12. Big_John

    Name that girl

    Got it.
  13. cuda hunter

    NOT MINE 1971 Imperial 2-door.

    Any mention of a broadcast sheet with this Imperial?
  14. K

    For Sale Nos alternator casing #3656443

    Nos alternator casing part #3656443. Dated 77 on the case. $20 plus shipping from 40165. Thanks
  15. crv

    NOT MINE 1971 Imperial 2-door.

    Still for sale, currently at $18,000.
  16. A

    A Poor Man's Master Cylinder Upgrade

    Try finding some NOS ones on eBay perhaps (not necessarily Mopar but Raybestos or some older stuff). You may still need to rebuild them with a name brand rebuild kit depending condition but you'll have good castings).
  17. amazinblue82

    Name that girl

    They're back!! 10th exciting year! :poke: There are "rules" for this game we TRY to play within. We use the the honor system so its voluntary to follow the "rules". And, it's not a competition, nothing to "win", so there's no need to be "first" to the I/D the girl. 1. Its supposed to be a...
  18. 69CoronetRT

    1968 Plymouth Fury I Police Car! Walk Around, Fender Tag Decode, & parts car

    The 69 Charger 500 and Daytona also used the letter X in the same manner. It distinguishes a distinct roof treatment.
  19. K

    For Sale Nos 1977-80 2sp wiper intermittent control module

    Nos 1977-80 2 speed intermittent wiper control module. Part # 4048375. $35 plus shipping from 40165. Thanks
  20. cuda hunter

    Old stuff you still use.

    has some miles put on it.