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  • Before: Mar 4, 2025
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  1. bnz84

    Rescue operation, -69 Imp instrument panel pad

    Looks awesome. I have a true 69 dash pad in the rafters with cracks and wanted to try to restore. So you had no cracks in the vinyl? After all the work is the dash still brittle or does the paint solidify it a bit? I am wondering how the 3M 550 FC will look after a few summer heat cycles...
  2. darth_linux

    Timing chain slipped a tooth?

    Thanks. It's really hard to tell what sounds are what in the video because of the amount of compression an iPhone puts on the audio. It makes it sound like the engine is exploding when it's really not loud at all. There was just a "new" noise but it doesn't come through in the video very...
  3. darth_linux

    Timing chain slipped a tooth?

    that's what I was thinking . . . spark plug wires are new last year with just under 1500K miles on them, so unlikely they've failed unless rodents paid me a visit over the winter. But its been running just fine until I "got on it."
  4. Ross Wooldridge

    Fitment question re dog dishes and cop car wheels

    Interesting idea!! Again, I'd be leery of the longevity of the adhesives standing up to the job.
  5. amazinblue82

    Name that girl

    Clue to #2,279 This should get ya there. Only ranked as one of most viewed TV series of all-time. Seen by millions. Been off the air for a few years. And that male actor? Sadly passed away at decade ago. Anyway, answer Wed 3/5 early am EST.
  6. C

    1971 Chrysler AM 8 track radio wiring question

    "Car" radios were more about "sound" than quality of such, back then. AM radios had their static issues plus a limited frequency response range that was possible for that format. In the middle 1980s, when "AM Stereo" tried to get off the ground (GM had that option on some of their higher-level...
  7. Ross Wooldridge

    Fitment question re dog dishes and cop car wheels

    Your idea is one I have been tossing around (seems great minds and fools seldom differ) - if you've time, peruse the articles linked in the above threads. Somebody has done the same thing and epoxied 9" caps inside the 10" caps with claimed success. Regarding your concern that installing and...
  8. Toolmanmike

    Timing chain slipped a tooth?

    It sounds like you may have a couple of different issues but I would check out the ticking first. It sounds like valve train. Bent pushrod, lifter not pumping up, Cam lobe going away, rocker arm broken or valve spring. If the noise is loudest on one side or another pull that valve cover like...
  9. R

    Is this fixable? Special glue?

    That's very clever! What's the whole thing look like ?
  10. FCBO Administrator

    Welcome, DodgeGooner22

    Join me in welcoming @DodgeGooner22 to FCBO.
  11. Grannys67

    Timing chain slipped a tooth?

    +1 on the bad plug(s) or wire(s); also check for critter bites (squirrel, chipmunk, mouse) on the wires?
  12. HJmaniac

    vintage pics of women & cars

  13. HJmaniac

    vintage pics of women & cars

  14. HJmaniac

    vintage pics of women & cars

  15. HJmaniac

    vintage pics of women & cars

  16. Boydsdodge

    Timing chain slipped a tooth?

    Fuel pump push rod will be another check I would do.
  17. C

    SOLD Rebuilt Alternator 3438178 Dual Pulley

    I believe it is sold. If his payment doesn't come through you are the second to contact me. Thank you, Mike
  18. Vaanth

    1971 Chrysler AM 8 track radio wiring question

    The basic connections for the 1971 Chrysler AM 8 track radio are as follows: - Red (single) = 12V power - Chassis = Ground - Black (#2) in the three terminal connector = Speaker common - Violet (#1) in the three terminal connector = Speaker left channel - Dark green (#3) in the three terminal...