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  1. 69CoronetRT

    We grow up, we get married, we have kids....poor guy

    Going through some dealer records tonight. Here's a guy that traded his 68 GTX for a 71 station wagon.....
  2. Dante64

    Hubcaps restoration

    Yes! Push button Gears. My Dad had a ‘63.
  3. Torky

    New to this site

    Body Data Plates prior to 1965 do not show the engine or other chassis line components such as brakes, wheels, differentials. If you post a picture of your car's Body Data Plate/Fender Tag, I will decode it for free and send you a report similar to the one below. Add the VIN to complete the...
  4. 67newport

    1 of 1 Rare 1970 Plymouth Fury

  5. M

    1972 440 Main Bearings

    Thank you all for the reassurances. :thumbsup:
  6. Badvert65

    1972 440 Main Bearings

    There are two different sizes of thrust bearings. I don't know what year they changed. The smaller diameter flange will fit any RB block but the larger diameter will only fit on the blocks machined for the larger diameter. Just make certain that the thrust bearing fits your engine.
  7. 67newport

    Some more classic pictures

    14-year-old Joe Pesci in 1957
  8. 67newport

    vintage pics of women & cars

  9. 67newport

    vintage pics of downtown America

    Jackson Hole, WY, 1963
  10. MoPar~Man

    Undercoating for new pans.

    Maybe in AZ. You need better in the rust belt. Ask a few of us...
  11. R

    Will dual knob radio fit in the hole?

    Here's the two Toyota radios I was talking about , they are NOT interchangeable , BUT they had the same hookups if I remember correctly. , and they have like the same size hole or something. My memory is fuzzy but I remember they looked like the would fit interchangeably but they did not hah the...
  12. Owen11x

    For Sale 1972 Chrysler Newport rear end

    Price is either one Chrysler road wheel. Or $5 you just come pick up in bay city Wisconsin. From a Texas car extremely clean. Don't know gear ratio never looked. Has both drums. They also work on 8.75 housings i use them often but I have a large stock pile so these are staying on. Want gone...
  13. HOT FURY

    Low Compression 440 Build Questions

    throw a howards rattler camshaft in it
  14. 67newport

    Photos of Vintage Auto Dealerships, Repair Shops, and Gas Stations

    B&W De Soto, 815 Penn Avenue, Wilkinsburg, PA., ca. 1940 Newport News, VA Carl E. Filer Co., Studebaker, Greenville, PA
  15. M

    Connector identification

    Yes, however the turnsignal flasher shows the "T" connector according to my diagram, but the diagram shows a red and pink wire, not a yellow and pink wire. I feel like i am assuming one thing and missing something else. I initially thought the red/black "V" connector was the turnsignal flasher.
  16. 67newport

    vintage pics of women & cars

  17. C

    Connector identification

    Two flashers, one for the 4-way emergency flashers and one for the turn signals. Same connector, different color codes on the wires?