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  1. Big_John

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    Giving you about a foot on the end of the 8 foot pipe, that works out to about 2550ft/lbs of torque. 7' x 364lbs = 2548. Sorry.... The nerd in me had to figure that out.
  2. 5fty7vn

    WANTED 1966 Newport turn signal switch're correct, no tilt wheel. From what I've found the part number for this model.should be 2822170.
  3. azblackhemi

    We grow up, we get married, we have kids....poor guy

    If he has kids he should've bought a 3 row wagon!
  4. Big_John

    We grow up, we get married, we have kids....poor guy

    Let's hope the wagon was for a tow car for his race car.
  5. Big_John

    WANTED 1966 Newport turn signal switch

    You didn't say if it's a tilt wheel, so I'll assume it's not. Rock Auto. SHEE-MAR SM102
  6. Big_John

    New York World Fair Chrysler Collectables.

    I happened to find a program for the Hell Drivers last night on eBay. BTW, here's an eBay hint to save you money. Put the piece you are interested in on your "watchlist". A good percentage of the time you'll get an offer from the seller. In this case, I got 25% off the "Buy it now" price...
  7. 5fty7vn

    WANTED 1966 Newport turn signal switch

    Anyone have a turn signal switch for a 1966 Chrysler Newport......or know where to find one, preferably NOS but will consider aftermarket as well. My car does not have tilt steering. From.what ive seen, the part number should be 2822170. Thanks.
  8. Big_John

    Hubcaps restoration

    The rocker trim on a '70 300 is aluminum with black paint. That trim is very hard to find in decent condition. Picture taken this morning to show how well it's holding up.
  9. azblackhemi

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    Well I had to do something if I want to drive the car so I bought one for $140. It's supposed to be here today so I will let you know how it works.
  10. Dante64

    Hubcaps restoration

    Thanks. Rustoleum enamel. Time will tell. Goes on smooth and seems to be durable.
  11. J

    WANTED New Yorker Driver's side window/door control

    Wow, that's awesome. I'll gladly take it. You'll have to give me some tutelage for the transaction. Now if you have some advice and instructions how to mount the tension spring holding the window... but I'll save that for another post.
  12. halifaxhops

    For Sale Tested ECU's

    as marked and the ride in a SFRB All tested on a zetron tester.
  13. 1

    DECODE help

    There are only seat belts for the front which are factory since they go through a chrome slot in the seat .. It has the remote truck lid and electronic high beam unit.
  14. 69PHOENIX

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    Hi Fellas, (LABRTF) The Problem with this Modern World is Simply that Nothing can be Trusted. My Old Da used to Say, "You Buy a Ten Dollar Spanner You Get a Ten Dollar Spanner, If You Want Something Decent You Pay the $100 & Have Something Decent" That used to be True But Nowadays You can Pay...
  15. Unix

    1971 Chrysler Newport Custom 383, rebuilding in Europe

    Almost springtime. On the road just after 6 , sunrise, fill up and a morning coffee.
  16. Omni

    Rear Cross Member Isolators

    Good Morning All I had mine re-vulcanized (if that is the name) buy Then and Now You will have to send yours in so it may take a while. So far so good although it has only been a year. Anyway, great company to deal...
  17. jmustian

    Hubcaps restoration

    Did your 300 not have the chrome trim?