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  • Users: Kristof
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  1. Kristof

    Moparty Zwevezele (Belgium)

    Hi all, Some impressions from a Mopar only static meeting held yesterday (august 25th) Quite a number of nice cars and beautifull venue. Enjoy!
  2. Kristof

    On the road again

    The Fury finally passed tech inspection (mandatory in Belgium). She’s bern off the road for 2 years and I almodt forgot what a nice cruiser she is. We celebrated by going to 2 olditmer meetings on September 3rd and 4th. Below some random pictures. Enjoy, Kristof Fury parked next to my...
  3. Kristof

    WANTED Door lock link - 66 Fury

    Hi all, The door lock link on the driver side door of my 66 fury is missing, so the door won’t lock from the outside. The enclosed picture from the fsm shows the missing part ( belvedere model, this isn’t pictured for the fury models specifically). Does anybody have a spare one for sale and is...
  4. Kristof

    66 fury radio cover panel color

    Hi, After installing a new radio and quartz clock conversion i’m cleaning the panel that covers both. I noticed that parts of the panel which are now bare beige plastic seem to be covered in silver paint on some places (above the words ‘selector’ and on the left side). I’m wondering if the...
  5. Kristof

    Experience With Schumacher Creative Services

    Hi, Has anyone recently bought anything from this company? How was your experience in dealing with them? I'm asking this question as I bought an engine mount replacement kit from them (via their German dealer - mentioned on their website) on 07/01/2019. So far I'm still waiting on the parts...
  6. Kristof

    Gear Oil for 8 3/4 with Suregrip

    Hi, i’m looking to replace the oil in the rear end of my ‘66 Fury. Question 1: I have 2 litres of EP90 gear oil, API GL-4, for classic car use. Can I use this or is GL-5 called for? Question 2: How much limited slip additive do I have to add (Mopar MS10111)? Any toughts?
  7. Kristof

    Hagelands Oldtimer Treffen (Belgium)

    Hi all, Just wanted to share some pictures from a local oldtimer meeting. Not many Mopars, but some great other stuff.
  8. Kristof

    Summer Sweetness - Tielt Winge (Belgium)

    Last sunday we went to the first oldtimer meeting with the Plymouth. I found one other C-Body, a 67 fury break. Enjoy the pictures, Greetings from Belgium, Kristof
  9. Kristof

    Welcome Kristof to FCBO!

    Hi everybody, I've been following this site for a while which contains loads of great info for a novice like me :-) , so it's finally time to join the community. Last year we bought a '66 Fury convertible (318 poly engine) as a project car to hone my mechanics skills (i'm following evening...