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  1. SwissMonaco

    Search Rear Window Seal

    Hello friends I need your help. I am looking for a rear window seal for a 1967 Dodge Monaco 4 Door Hardtop. Does anyone know if any others would fit, possibly 4 Door Sedan? Does anyone have the original number? Unfortunately not available in the parts catalog, I have already searched for it...
  2. SwissMonaco

    727 identification (stamping numbers)

    You can check your number in the following document. It seems to be a 1967 transmission for Dodge with 318cui engine
  3. SwissMonaco

    Exhaust manifold sealer

    I work as an engine builder and we use Loctite 638 for such things
  4. SwissMonaco

    Windschutzscheibe für Plymouth Fury III gesucht

    Hi Even if you are from Germany I would recommend you to write the questions in English to get more answers. Have a look at this provider Windschutzscheiben für US-Cars - Big Parts Germany
  5. SwissMonaco

    383 Backfiring

    I would check the clearance of the timing chain. Set the mark to TDC and then turn the crankshaft against the direction of rotation until the rotor in the ignition distributor turns. Then check how many degrees you can turn the crankshaft back until the rotor turns. I had a crankshaft of almost...
  6. SwissMonaco

    Engine Color

    The correct color for your engine is. Turquoise P4120752 RAL 5021 is also available on the market as an alternative
  7. SwissMonaco

    Timing chain hole in the block

    Yesterday I dismantled the ignition distributor on my 440 and saw this hole in the direction of the camshaft gear. It almost looks like the casting has broken away. Is this normal and simply a bad machining job or should it be closed? See photos.
  8. SwissMonaco

    Ignition timing adjustment

    Thanks for your reassuring words :) Just one more question then I will put the experiment aside. Can you tell me the values which you call okay? Ignition timing idle without vacuum: Ignition timing at 3000 without vacuum: Ignition timing with vacuum at 3000: Thank you
  9. SwissMonaco

    Ignition timing adjustment

    Hello Thank you very much for the detailed answer. I have already downloaded the manual and also brought here. There is just the angle for the idle. I would like to have an ignition curve so that I can also check whether the mechanical adjustment at the speeds is correct. I would like to check...
  10. SwissMonaco

    Ignition timing adjustment

    Good day to all. I am currently in the process of checking my ignition. To be precise, I am checking the adjustment mechanically and with vacuum. I can not find any values which are correct for this. It is a 440 cui from 1977, at idle (780rpm) I have the 12° before TDC. Without vacuum, the...
  11. SwissMonaco

    Thoughts on 67 Dodge Polara

    Yes I have that. 67 Monaco 4 door hardtop with original A/C in dash.
  12. SwissMonaco

    72 Fury overflow tank?

    Theoretically, no coolant should leak there. This pipe is only there to drain the coolant when the pressure in the cooling system becomes higher than the radiator cap should hold. It could be that your cap opens too early or that you really have too much pressure on the system. Check what...
  13. SwissMonaco

    Decode Fender Tag

    Ohhh thank you so much...:thumbsup:
  14. SwissMonaco

    Decode Fender Tag

    Hello dear friends I am in the process of finding out everything about my 1967 Monaco. The Internet certainly helps a lot here, however, I have not found everything and therefore count on your knowledge. Could someone give me a complete identification of the code plate?
  15. SwissMonaco

    67 Monaco 4 door sedan to 4 door hardtop conversion?

    Hi and welcome. I am from Switzerland and have a 67 Dodge Monaco 4 Door Hardtop. I like your wheel tire combination extremely well. Can you tell me which rims, the dimesion as well as the tire size? It looks so fitting. Another question I have is where did you get the exhaust system. I...
  16. SwissMonaco

    Door Seal

    Thanks but there are none available for my vehicle. 2 Door and 4 Door are not compatible and the seals for the rear are still missing. For 4 door is simply difficult.
  17. SwissMonaco

    Door Seal

    Thanks but there are none available for my vehicle. The only thing that is probably possible is to take universal and then seal so. But I would like to have original profile.
  18. SwissMonaco

    Door Seal

    Thanks but there are none available for my vehicle.
  19. SwissMonaco

    Good day Mopar friends

    The vehicle came to Germany in 2019 then to Switzerland and there I bought it in 2022.
  20. SwissMonaco

    Door Seal

    Good day Mopar friends I am looking for the door seals on all doors for my 67 Dodge Monaco 4 Door Hardtop. Mine are a little brittle after the years now. Does anyone know a supplier for these? The parts for this model are extremely difficult to find.