While getting my Polara brochures organized (more of a collection than I thought) I stumbled across a bill of sale for a 1961 Dodge Seneca, at this time the car would have been 5 years old. A 2 dr for a whopping $375. It would be awesome to see this car now!
4 and almost 2! My 4 year old calls it the green car! Anytime I am working on the "green car" they have to be by my side which I can't complain about!
She is pretty clean, the interior needs some help. mainly with a rip on the front bench, restitching the visors and all the door panels were...
detailed the Polara the other day. I was surprised how much shine I got out of the paint. I've been working on a couple other small projects on her. I'll have the wife take some more pictures next time we head out. I was rushing yesterday as we were heading to our first show.
I was able to find a brown driver side arm rest, Part # was 1217AT8, Marty was able to hook me up. Does anyone by chance have any leads on a passenger side armrest? thanks for the help! This ole girl has been keeping me busy!
Looks like getting NOS of the door panel fabric is impossible. I know it's trim code L4T so I'll stay on the lookout. As for the arm rest I may have a couple leads. Has anyone ever done a vinyl repair on door panels? I'd really like to keep her as original as possible so if I can some how bring...
thanks Kevin! I emailed them earlier this week and also sent some pictures. I am heading out of town this week and in no rush. I will start bothering them once I return!
thanks 1rstmopar! she is a beauty and i am loving it. I am in the process of cleaning up the exterior. As soon as i am done ill post some more pictures. It has been sitting for awhile so it needs some help.
hey guys! I recently inherited my grandfathers Polara. This big girl is all stock and I want to keep that way as much as I can. The interior though is bugging me. I'd like to find the material or the name used for the door panels as well as the front bench. I am having trouble nailing down the...
hey guys! I recently inherited my grandfathers Polara. This big girl is all stock and I want to keep that way as much as I can. The interior though is bugging me. I'd like to find the material or the name used for the door panels as well as the front bench. I am having trouble nailing down the...
FISHFAN, I currently live in Maine but i am originally from Palm Harbor, FL. Its a short drive from Clearwater, i remember that Dealership very well! awesome post and I love your writing!!
she is special for sure! thank you guys I hope you enjoy the pics, ill post more as I can!! and thanks tallhair for turning the picture upright!:yourock: