‘70 Plymouth Fury III Vert 383

PM27N0D188443 is the 12th N-code about which I have gathered information; 11 are alive , the 12th is likely to have been parted by now.
Well, here is another N-code Fury iii 'vert that @SportFury70 found a couple of days ago. PM27N0D137507
Thanks to @70 Sport Suburban, @detmatt, and @SportFury70, we can add PM27N0D131512 (an EB3 blue 'vert currently for sale in Clarkson, MI) as a 15th entry to the FCBO list of N-code 1970 Fury iii convertibles: 14 alive + 1 dead (in addition, a 16th car about which @polara71 commented here was missing its engine and transmission back in 2015, so it may not be alive anymore).

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Time to add another live N-code Fury iii 'vert that's living in Sweden (like the FY6 owned by @Fryken). This car is the one that @ceebuddy posted about in 2020 -- @ceebuddy, do you have more info on this red Plymouth convertible? The photos below, taken in Sweden back in August 2022, are also of PM27N0D137591 -- the 1971 taillights are unmistakable:


Here is the updated list of N-code Fury iii 'verts, 15 alive + 1 dead (in addition, a 17th car about which @polara71 commented here was missing its engine and transmission back in 2015, so it may not be alive anymore)

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