1961 Plymouth Fury Sonoramic Commando FOUR door


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Dec 11, 2024
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I figured I should start a thread since finding out what a rare car I stumbled into.
I put this on what seems to be to main FB Forward Look group. For those who have not seen it.
Also— I am needing the complete top end for it. Long rams, exhaust manifolds, heads. Yeah, I know. Rare… I am wondering what heads I should be looking for…? If they’re impossible to find, are 452’s the next best thing? Thx.

Neat car, they made many of the long ram 4 doors, it was an optional engine.

I wouldn't want open chamber heads on that engine. I would use the fairly common 516 heads and leave the 1.60 exhaust valves. Because that is what the combination is and it is small cubic inches.
Neat car, they made many of the long ram 4 doors, it was an optional engine.

I wouldn't want open chamber heads on that engine. I would use the fairly common 516 heads and leave the 1.60 exhaust valves. Because that is what the combination is and it is small cubic inches.
Yeah, someone cited a book stating 39 four door ht Fury’s had that option.

I’ll start looking for 516’s near me then.
Next question, do you want 4 bolt valve covers as original?
The don't have cast in rocker pedestals. Or do you not mind 6 bolt valve covers? Mid 1963 was the change.

And remember you need to have the bolt holes on the end of the passenger head for the alternator bracket. So 1960 and older heads won't work.
Next question, do you want 4 bolt valve covers as original?
The don't have cast in rocker pedestals. Or do you not mind 6 bolt valve covers? Mid 1963 was the change.

And remember you need to have the bolt holes on the end of the passenger head for the alternator bracket. So 1960 and older heads won't work.
I’d love as close to OEM as possible. But, I have incorrect seats from a Chrysler already. And it has what’s left of a metallic flake paint. Tag reflects a black/white paint with red interior.
They didn't have an emblem on the dash. It probably isn't a real factory ram car. Post pics of the inner fenders, there are tell-tales there. Also there is a guide book on the sonoramic cars someone put together out there and you can get a copy of the build sheet from FCA "Chrysler" so long as you own the car and if you think it is a real one, you absolutely need to have that verification.
They didn't have an emblem on the dash. It probably isn't a real factory ram car. Post pics of the inner fenders, there are tell-tales there. Also there is a guide book on the sonoramic cars someone put together out there and you can get a copy of the build sheet from FCA "Chrysler" so long as you own the car and if you think it is a real one, you absolutely need to have that verification.
Yeah. I know the emblem is in the wrong place. It should be on the passenger side trunk lid. I said this on FB. And the original invoice clearly reflects my car came with the SC option with my vin # on it. And the book you’re referring to is the Darrell Davis book that also clearly supports what I’m saying. So, there NO doubt this is a factory SC car.
I’m simply asking what heads would’ve come with it.





All well and good and that is an awesome car, I have the original dealer write up and the original title for my car as well - before window stickers. I would still encourage you to get the build sheet! It is a wonderful service and everyone should have it to accompany their car, especially unusually equipped units.
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I would also encourage you to share your unique find on the www.forwardlook.net site, we very much appreciate and enjoy this sort of thing over there! That is without a doubt a very rare unique car. A friend of mine had a 58 Sport Suburban wagon factory equipped with the golden commando big block motor, pwr steering, brakes, power windows and seat. Couldn't be many built like that, just like your car!
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I have this 61 4dr htp that I’m parting.
Only selling the 4dr related parts.
The R on your block indicates 1961 motor!
I would look for filler marks on trunk lid where emblem was supposed to be?
It was rumored that the SC emblem wasn’t put on at the factory and was shipped in the glove box for the dealer to install
with paper template.
Could you post a pic of inner fender panels and brake booster?

what a lucky find on this car and the paperwork. Four door just makes it better!
There are early 60s closed chamber heads around. 4-bolt too..... WTB ad would get you started.
i have
intakes& block off plates
balance tube
bell crank & linkage
2903s carbs
exhaust manifolds (are from a early 61 chrysler which the guy i got them from bought his car new they have gen bracket cut he said car came that way. there was a discussion about this a while back)
some of elbows
dashpot( i think)
I have an NOS RH exhaust manifold but the reference material I have says it’s for a 1960. It’s a 1945546.
I would comment on the forward look facebook page but some how some hacker got into my account removed my email addresses and # and put theirs on it and how I do not know , I decided not to open a new account on facebook . I also believe in Karma and Karma will get this person so if you get a friends request from this hacker do not accept it this is not me I am still on myspace, twitter and youtube,
My YouTube channel is called forwardlook 1961 or sb61fury I almost forgot ROLL TIDE
I would comment on the forward look facebook page but some how some hacker got into my account removed my email addresses and # and put theirs on it and how I do not know , I decided not to open a new account on facebook . I also believe in Karma and Karma will get this person so if you get a friends request from this hacker do not accept it this is not me I am still on myspace, twitter and youtube,
My YouTube channel is called forwardlook 1961 or sb61fury I almost forgot ROLL TIDE
Sorry to hear that. This type of nonsense seems to be happening more and more. Roll Tide!