1961 Plymouth Fury Sonoramic Commando FOUR door

Roll Tide?

Warning, maybe don't play this with sensitive ears in the room.

I would comment on the forward look facebook page but some how some hacker got into my account removed my email addresses and # and put theirs on it and how I do not know , I decided not to open a new account on facebook . I also believe in Karma and Karma will get this person so if you get a friends request from this hacker do not accept it this is not me I am still on myspace, twitter and youtube,
My YouTube channel is called forwardlook 1961 or sb61fury I almost forgot ROLL TIDE
some bozo booted me off that site after i posted my 58 fury surviour find. wont let me back on.
I would comment on the forward look facebook page but some how some hacker got into my account removed my email addresses and # and put theirs on it and how I do not know , I decided not to open a new account on facebook . I also believe in Karma and Karma will get this person so if you get a friends request from this hacker do not accept it this is not me I am still on myspace, twitter and youtube,
My YouTube channel is called forwardlook 1961 or sb61fury I almost forgot ROLL TIDE
One of the reasons why we don't allow e mail addresses or any personal information to be posted directly on the site. If you need to exchange that information, it should be behind the scenes in a Personal message. Spammers and scammers just love to see that info posted out in the open for the whole world to see.