First I have to say I'm happy for Pete ........
but there is some sour milk here. The car was sold, a second time, after my offer was accepted by phone conversation with Nathan yesterday afternoon, and the deal was confirmed by the seller, (who is denying that now), and by me, repeated a couple times to avoid confusion. I even let him set the terms of the deposit to be paid to his pp account.
What did he have to gain by making a second deal...? a hundred bucks...... ! He threw me under the bus for a hundred bucks.
I waited for Chris to follow through with his inquiry and he told me to go for it once his offer wasen't accepted. I called Nathan immediately and he was able to answer what questions I had well enough that, coupled with the posted pictures, and the knowledge that this would likely be an opportunity that would not repeat itself, I made my offer, and he accepted it. Now he says he would never have concidered anything less then his asking price, (not sure what the OBO meant in his post). I was prepaired to pay his price had he rejected my offer of $7900.00, he didn't..... so why would I raise my offer....?
I even emailed Chris after the call and informed him I had made the deal.
Intentional or not...... his actions were very unethical, and don't speak well of his character.