Good price for sure.... But it seems these 63-64s aren't in demand like the ones from the years before and after these. I agree with Commando, wonder who would be willing to dump a butt-load of scratch into this a baby.
Mopars of this era and the late 50's on have problems with the leaf springs. Nothing that a new set would cure. Not typically needed if ordered with H.D. suspension. You can look to the late 80's M bodies cars, same issues.
Historically the '63 Pace Setter convertiblez have been very low and Flat on their pricez. A father+son team found this out the hard way ah few yearz back when they dropped way into the high 5 digits into two of them and took 'um to the BJ Auction in Mesa thinking they were gonna clean up only to have Mr Jackson send them home whimpering. I can't remember if it waz before or after C.J. started allowing reservez in hiz auctionz again or not but I don't think dad 'n son are still in the car game and probably still have stock in the Preparation-H company