For Sale 1963 Chrysler 300 Convertible Pace Car - $2500

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Damn !!!!!! I knew she looked familiar......


I don't understand.
What are these.
Sceen grabs of webcam girls having orgasms?
Bruce Gender lol something straight out of the X files.

Robert J. Kosilek, now known as Michelle,

Then there is this fruit loop in a Massachusetts prison ........

Michelle Lynne Kosilek (born Robert Kosilek, April 10, 1949) is a convicted murderer and who is best known for the controversy surrounding her attempts to obtain treatment for her gender identity disorder while in prison. In 1990, Kosilek strangled wife Cheryl McCaul, killing her. Kosilek was sentenced to serve a life sentence without parole. During her incarceration, Kosilek has repeatedly sued the Massachusetts Department of Correction (MDOC), seeking medical treatment for her gender identity disorder.
I guess someone should change the name of the post to "the transvestite 300" or something....gender bender with fenders....
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