For Sale 1965-66 Imperial Glove Box Doors and Radio Bezels

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marty mopar

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FCBO Gold Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Tempe AZ (hotter than a turd on a frypan)
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2771455 1965 Crown some minor pitting. Weighs about 700 pounds....same as a grand piano
2771455A 1965 Lebaron pitted, Weighs as much as a small child or buffalo
2570134 1965 2492924 cast on the back. Very little pitting and weighs as much as 40 gallons of water
1966 1966 2492738, 2492740, 2492739 cast on back, very little pitting, weighs 25 kilos
2661700 1966 2661696 cast on the back, minor pitting, weighs 920 grams
2492924 1965 2492924 cast on the back...actual part # is 2570134 minor pitting, broke my scale so no idea of the weight

10.00 each plus shipping. May need a crane to help move these boat anchor parts.

I may be incorrect on the part numbers in the part need to verify by looking at your casting
numbers on what you have. All of these appear by modern standards overly heavy and if you threw one
at your friend you may have to call the undertaker.

If this thread is closed send me a message to see if I still have these...

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I'll take the 64 am/fm bezel. You can probably fit it in a Priority medium box $16 commercial price or $18.40 regular price. Please let me know where/how to pay. I can do Paypal or Zelle.
Norm Silverman
991C Lomas Santa Fe Drive, #428
Solana Beach, CA 92075
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