1965 727 park cable adjustment?

D Cluley

Active Member
Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
Lansing MI
On my '65 when I put the car in park, the column shift lever has to be pushed firmly to the left or the park pawl doesn't engage.

I know that the cable can be adjusted slightly in or out where it goes into the housing on the transmission, but am not sure which way will cause the pawl to engage slightly sooner.

I can, of course use trial and error, but it someone knows offhand that would be great.
Unfortunately, the FSM is clear as mud on this.

With the selector lever in Neutral, "Gently pull outward on the cable housing to its
limit of travel, release and then tighten the clamp
bolt to 10 inch-pounds torque."

I assume when the cable, the transmission and the internal spring were new, it all slid smoothly, and the spring pulled the cable to correct position. On mine, if I pull the cable out and release it just stays there.

The answer to the original question however is this.

If the cable is pulled out too far from the transmission, the Park pawl never engages.

If the cable is pushed into the transmission too far, the Park pawl with click with the car in any gear.