For Sale 1965 dodge monaco lakeland

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Feb 1, 2014
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Very clean car!!!!!!!
Classic Car



How about the old Michigan tags, that don't scare ya a little?

Obviously car would need to be looked at if anyone were interested. Just looking at the pics I would say she is all or "mostly" original. If that is restored then they should just advertise it for free at that asking price, they would literally be giving it away. Speaking from experience, I know just what the parts are worth. Kind of nice to see a high price, makes my 4-speed more entertaining.
Nice looking car. Looked at the ad, it's supposed to only have 37,000 original miles .... wonder if there's real documentation of that. Not a huge of the vinyl roof though, prefer Monacos with a regular roof like my black one.

If a 383 / Automatic car is worth $17,000.00 then why is everyone in an uproar over you wanting $20,000.00 for your 426W / 4 speed Monaco.
Didn't 383 4bbls in 65 have a dual snorkel air cleaner?
My 65 has a single snorkel cleaner and single exhaust. It's funny Jon how the skirts look great on the Sport Fury but not so much on the Dodge that year. Even though I picked up a cheap set of skirts at Carlisle last year. The vintage plates look like '66. The car probably hasn't seen Michigan salt in decades. I like this car.
Nice looking car. Looked at the ad, it's supposed to only have 37,000 original miles .... wonder if there's real documentation of that. Not a huge of the vinyl roof though, prefer Monacos with a regular roof like my black one.

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Certain colors look kinda plain without a vinyl top imo. You're right, the black ones look great sans vinyl top while my color prefers the black top.
That's the correct air cleaner for a 383-4 in 65 . . . but there are some mods on the car (note the dual master cylinder). Looks like a nice car, but I'm not that wild about the color. Even though the dark green is listed as factory color in 1965, to me it just seems to look better on a later 60's/early 70s car. Agree w/ rapidtrans on the skirts . . . I always think they look odd on the Monaco. I think it's because of the wide, ribbed sill molding - it just looks like it stops so abruptly in front of the skirt. To my eye, the skirts seem to do better on the Polara/Custom 880, w/ the thin molding.
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