1965 Imperial 413 Valve Covers


Sep 25, 2016
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Towanda, Illinois
1965 Imperial 413: Can one remove the right side valve cover without taking the heater box off from the fire wall?
Probably. I can do it on a 60-62 Chrysler with factory A/C.

I'm not fully familiar with imperial but they porobably have the same room there. It would be to their advantage for the 5/50 warranty to have those covers come off easily.
It’s not super easy but you can do it.
Read the FSM carefully; it will tell you what position the valve train needs to be in (which #7 valve depressed) in order to facilitate the easy clearance of the valve cover. That said, I've done 1964-5-6 valve cover gasket replacement on the passenger side WITHOUT taking off the heater core box. It is difficult, however.
1960-64 The right bank is the tight one so even numbered cylinders. But the rocker arm position won't matter, the hold down bolt that is the highest thing under the cover, and those don't move up or down with engine rotation.

Here is a 61 Chrysler with AC, this one came off with very little wiggling of the cover, not a problem. Do you have this much room in the Imperial?


I was able to remove the valve covers off the 440 in my 66 when I replaced the gaskets years ago.
"On air conditioned cars, rotate the crankshaft until the number eight cylinder exhaust valve is open, to allow clearance to remove the right bank cylinder head cover and the heater housing." This really works, you get the cover loose, move it up and twist and pull sideways and it comes off. Or, you can lower the back of the engine an inch with a jack under the rear mount and remove the six bolts holding on the frame cross member. Or, you can remove the heater core, careful not to crack the housing at the bolt holes, run a dull knife around the butyl seal and off it comes.