So you'd rather be in a junk yard than......Carlisle, on an Caribbean Island, Disney world, in bed with a hot chick, Drinking beers with Stan in Florida, at a Packers game, in 1977 ordering up the formal of choice, in 1970 ordering up the Mopar of your choice, on the receiving end of the winning lottery ticket, in Angelina Jolie's bedroom, at Dover Downs, A drive in Movie, At the white house dragging Obama down the steps while you take office???????????????????????????????????
I must of missed this post.
WTF Dave!!!
Are any of those places 20 minutes from your house???? Would I want to-----Carribean Island...not any more. Disney World.......not any more. With Angeline.......not after Billy Bob Thorton had his hands on her!!! Besides, there is a lot better choices than her. Beers with Stan....absolutely!!! Buying new Mopars in the late 60's - 70's.......DID IT!!!! Order a new Formal in 1977... I was in the Army...deployed and making $200 a month (before taxes).
The point about junkyards was.......there are 5 of them within a half hour of my house. I still like looking through them and see what's new. Are there 60's & 70's Mopars coming in......rarely. There is still old iron coming in...all different stuff. I have friends that have old cars that are not Mopars...sometimes I'll call them with a new find and they'll ask me to pull a part for them. Bottom line.........STILL FUN TO ME!