Actually it waz a wreckin' yard that he bought to hold all hiz stuff in Pennsylvania. Not sure how long he kept it after he moved west. He bought ah 60 acre mountain top in western Arkansas cut a single lane gravel road in and had (If I remember rite) four 40'X100' pole barnz erected and when the open car haulez started showing up he had to have the carz brought in one at ah time on wreckerz 'cuz the 8 car haulerz couldn't traverse the upz 'N downz and the curvez 'tween the rockz 'n treez. After that move he still had carz under the starz. I've seen the pix he took of the cement truckz backin' up 'bout ah half mile 'cuz they didn't have the "grunt" to go in forward when they poured the mud for the foundation for the home they built on that mountain top. One of the visitz we made out to hiz place he took use to ah "Water Hole" on the Oklahoma line (28 milez 'cuz hiz county waz ah dry county) where you could drink in Oklahoma and pee in Arkansas without leaving the building. The bar stoolz were all tree stumpz 'bout 4' tall and 15" round with heal notchez cut into 'um. I can't make this s##t up, fun timez, lmfao az I remember Jer