Found 1966 Dash Turn Signal Sockets

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Brad Nelson

Jun 15, 2018
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Gig Harbor, WA
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My '66 Fury came with hood mounted turn signal indicators but not the sockets in the dash/speedo.
Found the factory wiring pig tails and would like to have everything work.
When I took the dash apart I found black fabric tape over the socket holes.
If there is some sort of generic "aftermarket" light bulb sockets that will work, let me know with an Ebay or URL link.

If those don't work let me know and I can check to see if I have any. Have an extra instrument cluster that may still have them
If those don't work let me know and I can check to see if I have any. Have an extra instrument cluster that may still have them
The one's Big John linked would need a bunch of mods to wire into the dash harness, from what I can tell.
If you could, take a look at what parts you might have and let me know.
Plz and thx.
The one's Big John linked would need a bunch of mods to wire into the dash harness, from what I can tell.
If you could, take a look at what parts you might have and let me know.
Plz and thx.
I have your light sockets you need, you will just have to clean them up a bit and splice them into your harness where needed. Send me a PM with your full name, shipping address, and phone#. I will figure up USPS shipping cost and will send to you for whatever the shipping cost is.
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