1966 Newport 3 speed trans woes

I decided to not to redowel the bellhousing. It is at the top limit of allowable tolerance. I didn't want to pull the engine to get the upper dowel. And also what #commando1 said.
However, when I was playing with the trans on the floor, I noticed something. With it in neutral, turning the input also made the output shaft turn. When I hung on to the output and turned the input, there was a lot of resistance there. Seems to me that should be free spinning. I'm thinking that could be the reason for the hard shifting.
Is my observation correct?
I believe your observation (above) is correct. If so, this would indicate internal trouble. Perhaps trouble with the rollers in the drive pinion? Or the synchro unit? Could the synchro "float" be too tight?
When I removed the dowel pins in my 318, I used a home made press tool. It worked like a small "c" clamp.
Just a couple thoughts. Lindsay
You said the original transmission shifted like a dream. Why did you change it and why can't you at least try that one? If it works, then bring the rebuilt one back to whoever did it and let them fix the problem.