Old Man with a Hat
This is an older post folks... maybe try sending the man a pm and go from there...
I need a
If a tree falls in the forest, no one hears it.Are the
This is an older post folks... maybe try sending the man a pm and go from there...
I need a
If a tree falls in the forest, no one hears it.Are the
I need a 4 speed console top plate, some call it a shifter plate. I read your list and didn't see anything about a console at all, but, it never hurts to ask anyway. Thanks, Mopar On!
i need the shifter mounted backup lite switch.
I was wondering if you still had items for this car? I'm looking for the eyebrow pieces, especially the drivers side piece that forms around the front of the fender area near the head light.
Thanks, Charlie
Hi, how badly trashed is the package tray? Would it be possible to make a mold of what's there, and pour a new one? Picture please? Thanks,
Welcome to the forum! !
Ghostrider I have one that I am working on doing a mold and seeing how much it would cost to make them.
I have a gas pedal with the trim ring around it if you still need it.Old post, but the OP has responded you still have the gas pedal (with the chrome trim) still around?